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Edward's P.O.V

Bella rolled closer to my arms still asleep. I smiled at the way her face looked when she was this deep in sleep. Her mouth was slightly open and the just a tiny amount of drool dropped down. Her hair was matted to her face and her clothes were ruffled. She still looked beautiful.

She always admired my immortal beauty and I still fancied her more beautiful than I could ever be. She shifted again, moving the covers and exposing her thigh.

I grabbed the sides of the bed. I didn't want to lose control and bite her neck off. She turned and faced me and her brown eyes opened.

"Good morning sleepy head."

I could smell the beauty radiating from her blood and I wanted it. I needed it.

"Do you always watch my sleep?"

"No, I sometimes to leave to hunt."

"Speaking of hunting, have you gone lately?"

No. I couldn't not be around Bella for more than an hour and sometimes game wasn't good like that. Sometimes I had to wait several hours before I could get a drop of her blood and that was physical torture.

"Have you?" She asked again. She was unmovable. I nodded my head and she frowned. I hated when she frowned. Wrinkling that beautiful, perfect face. I wanted her to always smile and it was more torture when I caused her frown.

"You should go hunt."

"I will..... eventually."

"Edward." She did that thing with her eyes that sent my body racing. I was dead and yet she made my lower parts active again. I sighed and rolled off the bed. I put on some clothes and went outside to hunt.

There was a skill to hunting. A knowledge that only few vampires possessed. Humans are easy to hunt. They make the same patterns, they want to stand out and yet every last one of them in predictable. Animals are different. I don't know what they are thinking and you can't track their movements. They break paths and run in wild directions when confronted with danger.

I crept up slowly behind a deer. Deer wasn't mg favorite, but I could settle. I could hear his heart pulsing with no knowledge of me. I moved slow, carefully not to move any leaves. I glided on the ground. I took one step forward and pounced sucking the deer dry.

I left it's limp body in the woods and retuned home. Bella was in the kitchen cooking with her shorts on. Man she was beautiful.

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