A Thousand Years

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I was right. The day was filled with everyone admiring Edward and you being nothing more than a second thought. How could you be something more? You're standing next to an immortal creature who is immensely beautiful.

"Hey." A blonde headed girl with light eyes said as I began to sat down.

"Hi." I shrug being my typical socially awkward self.

"You must be the new kid, I'm Riley."

"Bella." I smile weakly and the teacher takes his stand at the front of the class.

"Ms. Swan, can you explain to me how far you have gotten at your old school."

It was weird being called Ms. Swan after Edward always calls me Mrs. Cullen. I explained how far we had gotten and it turned out that we were ahead of schedule. He told me to sit back and read ahead. I pulled out my phone and texted Edward. I trusted him, but I felt a need to keep my eye on him.

Me: hey

Edward: hi, shouldn't you be paying attention?

Me: I'm ahead of schedule ha.

Edward: sure, you rang?

Me: I just decided to check in on you.

Edward: that's very sweet of you. if wouldn't have anything to do with the girl earlier would it?

Me: that might play a roll in it.

Edward: you don't trust me?

Me: I do, it's just them I don't trust.

Edward: can we talk at lunch?

Me: we always talk at lunch.

Edward: see you then, bye.

Edward's abrupt end to the conversation made me think he was mad. I don't know why though. I explained to him my trust issue wasn't with him, but with the other girls.

"Bella right?" Riley said as I began to pack up and leave class.


"I was wondering if you wanted to sit with us at lunch. being the new kid can be hard."

"Thanks, I would love to."

Riley walked away and I saw Edward in the hallway. I started to go up and talk to him, but he turned the corner for the lunchroom without even acknowledging me.

The lunch room was already crowded and I spotted Edward with group of girls and some guys with varsity jackets on. He looked back at me for a second and then turned to his friends. It was hurt.

Riley waved me over to a table where her and some other people sat. I sat down and she introduced me to all of them.

Brandon was the quietest. He waved when Riley introduced him, but did nothing else to join the conversation.

Lily was like the Alice of the human world. She liked nice clothes and parties and was a totally girly-girl. She even had pink steaks flowing through her black hair.

Jamie was last and he seemed a bit normal, kind of boring. He did the average amount of talking and didn't say much else.

I was so wrapped up into conversation with them, I didn't even see Edward until he tapped me on the shoulder.

"Can we talk?"

I got up and walked behind him trying to catch up to his pace, but he was speeding. He closed the door behind us as I walked outside.

"Why don't you trust me?"

"I already explained this. It's not you I don't trust."

"Can you explain yourself?"

"The girl from this morning."

"I already told you how she feels."

"I know that, but she wants to keep her cover up right? So she'll try anything to get close to you and that means I'm back burner."

"So you're scared that I'll find someone else."

I started to say something and yet all I could do was cry. Edward wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me.

"Bella, I didn't spend 100 years waiting for a love like this just to throw it away in a day. I love you Isabella Marie Cullen and I always will."

I sniffled some more into his chest and he hummed my lullaby rocking me gently back and forth.

"And anyways that'd be cheating now Mrs. Cullen."

I laughed a little and he let me go, kneeling down so we were face to face. He wiped my tears with his thumb. He smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, you're just so beautiful. " He kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand as we walked back into the building.

It felt think that somebody had waited a hundred years just for me. I was plain and a average and nothing interesting about me. It made me wonder about love and how love could make you wait so long for a love that to you in the best thing ever and to the other person is a complete mystery of why. Why did they want me? What's so special about me? And you find that there is nothing particularly special about that it's just the way your luck falls.

Author's Note

I figured I'd say this because this chapter felt so endish (if that's a word) but anyways it felt like to end and IT IS NOT THE END I repeat IT IS NOT THE END. You guys have shown so much love and support for the story and I would feel horrible for ending it without giving you guys an amazing end. so yeah, it's not the end. bye

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