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I pulled my pillow over my ears to drown out Charlie's snoring. He had placed my bed in the small room while he slept on a blow up mattress on the floor. I groaned as I heard the gurgling of drool in his mouth.

It was right now that I wished some vampire or werewolf was happy with me. Alice had come by earlier and after Charlie explained what happened to her she scolded me and meant it. I wanted to cry, broken-hearted at the fact that my dear Alice was even mad at me.

I called Billy to check on Jake and found out he had ran. no one was sure of his location, but they knew it was far because they couldn't even hear his thoughts anymore. where was he?

I walked to the bathroom and sat on the toilet cover. I need somewhere quiet to think and I could barely hear Charlie's snoring in here. I put my hands on my head and cried. I needed something, someone to let all these feelings go to. someone I could rant about all my problems to. someone human.

Humans couldn't be biased because one guy was an extremely hot-tempered werewolf and the other a cold-blooded vampire. humans didn't know their true form so they couldn't make me choose on based on their 'creature'.

"Bells? you've been in there long enough." Charlie yelled from behind the door.

Who are you to dedicate how long it takes me to pee? I thought. I got off the toilet seat and walked past Charlie and into my bed.

I sulked and Charlie sat at the end of the bed.

"Bells, you brought this on yourself."

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