I was past Forks now, I had to remember it as a bump in the road and forget all of the memories I had had there. not because I wanted to but because I was, in some ways, required to. there was only a thin stretch of road keeping me from going back. more than anything I wanted to talk to Charlie once more. I had spied on him these past few days and he looked worse than ever.
His beard out of control and a nasty drinking habit. I felt for my dad, a couple of years in Forks and now he was telling Renee I was dead. that hurt more than anything. knowing that to them I was merely a thought now, that they were trying to get over me. it flung pain through my long-stopped heart.
In my running and thinking I was hit from the side by another vampire. he cornered my against a tree and I closed my eyes.
"Bella?" came the gruff voice.
"It's off, it's not Victoria."
Out of the woods came all of the Cullens, minus Edward of course.
Alice ran up to me and evaluated my hand. she felt the cold and looked at me in my eyes.
"Who changed you?"
"I...I don't know." great, not even being a vampire could make me stop fumbling for words. it was funny, even though we looked exactly the same they still stunned me with their beauty.
"Oh God, Edward." came mutter from Rosalie.
"Where is he?" I questioned anxiously.
"Italy? Why?"
"Because he think that you are dead and he wants to get to Volturi to....to kill him."
"Why?.....I have to find him, I have to find him now."
"I'll go with you." Alice added.
"Me too, you'll need muscle to take on the Volturi." Emmett added with chuckle.
"Bella?" Carlisle spoke, "be careful. Edward can't just be killed...he must do a crime."
"What do you mean?"
"He is going to expose himself as a vampire, the Volturi will have no choice but to kill him."
"Thank you."
I took off in a sprint with Emmett and Alice close behind. I was prepared to fight a whole universe to get Edward back. this would not be the way me and him ended. not if I had anything to do with it.
Clashing Sun
Fanfictionand our love was like the ocean, crashing against the rocks of forever but never reaching the shores. [redoing the whole thing because I was eleven and made bella a whiny little girl]