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We passed the through the airport gate and were now on our way to Arizona. Why? Why did Phil and Renee have to get into an argument. Edward seemed relaxed, but I could see through it. He was just as nervous as I was knowing that Arizona was known for the sun.

Renee put a hand around my shoulder.

"This going to be good Bella."

"Are you guys getting a divorce?"

"I don't, we haven't talked in days. It'll be okay, I promise."

No it wouldn't. Edward would have to leave so he wouldn't expose himself and I would be left to be my own company once again.

We got into the rental car and Edward leaned over and whispered into my ear.

"It'll be fine Bella."

"I want to believe that, but I can't."

"Will you trust me?" I swallowed hard and nodded. I managed to catch a brief sparkle from Edward as we drove through a patch of sun. This couldn't end well.

"Mrs. Swan-" Edward started.

"Please call me Renee." My mom corrected with a smile. A forced smile.

"Umm.... Renee, you'll forgive me if I will not be able to attend school?"

"Why not?"

"I have a terrible allergy to pollen and given the spring season I fear for my well being."

"I'm sure there is something we can work out."

"If a doctor's opinion is what you request, I am sure my father will be happy to give his opinion."

"I'll call him tonight Edward."

"Thank you."

Edward turned to me and smirked. I smiled lightly and he kissed me. He ran his hand up and down my thigh and kissed me again.

"Edward." I moaned.

He moved his hands and rubbed up and down the insides of my thighs. I leaned my head back as he kissed up my neck.

"Edward!" I yelled snapping out of my trance and slapping his hand away.

"Can't help a man for trying."

"Welcome home!" Renee yelled pulling into the house I had lived in only a few years ago.

I got out and Edward zipped his jacket up all the way and stepped out. I grabbed his hand and led him into the house. It was just as I remembered and I fell in love with it all again.

Edward took my hand and pushed me gently towards my old room. He placed a few kisses on my neck and brought my thigh up his hip. He picked me up and laid me on the bed.

"I love you Isabella Cullen."

"I love you Edward Cullen."

He put his lips on mine and we spent the rest of the night in absolutely pleasure.

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