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"He's a vampire!" I yelled over Alice's rambling.

"And you're a human, now that we've stated each other's species can we move on to the point at hand?"

"I'm saying that since he's a vampire there's no way I can get pregnant."

"That's not true Bella."

"What are you talking about, it is the absolute truth."

"You have periods right Bella?"

"Of course Alice, I'm a girl aren't I?"

"So that means your body is what?"

"Ready for pregnancy...." I put Alice's thoughts together in my own head and they made surprising sense.

"Then why can't you guys get pregnant?"

"Because our bodies stopped aging, we can't have periods."

"Lucky." I mumbled.

"Completely different topic Bella, it makes sense now doesn't it?"

"I guess, but Alice-"

"We have to go shopping."


"And check out school districts and houses."

"Alice, since this is Edward's baby that means it's half-vampire right?"


"How dangerous can it be?"

"Fatal." Rosalie added drily.


"Of course, there is no way a human body can handle that much pressure."

"So what do we do now? Carlisle and Edward are away, Jacob is too."

"I don't know." Alice responded.

"Can you see anything Alice? anything at all?"

"All I see is darkness."

"For me or for the baby?"

"For both of you."

I tried to stop the tears, but they covered the end of my eyes and I could barely catch my breath. I was pregnant with Edward Cullen's child and it looked like we were both going to die.

A sad truth I was going to have to face sooner or later, but I wasn't giving this baby up. I wasn't just letting this child slip through my finger tips, I was going to hold on to this baby with everything I had. With all of me. I would fight for this baby even if I had to do it myself. I had this small part of Edward in me and I may never even see him again and I attended on keeping it.

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