Corner Store

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Edward was gone. He went hunting yesterday, so he couldn't possibly be hunting today. Unless he had been really hungry and required a full two days of hunting. Whatever the situation was I went to the bathroom and fulfilled my morning duties before walking to the kitchen and making breakfast.

The house was running low and so I just made eggs. I sat down at the table and began to eat when Edward walked in balancing bags in each of his hands.

"Brought some food and stuff."

"And stuff?" I raised my eyebrow and e just nodded.

"And stuff." He agreed. I finished my eggs and put the plate in the sink. I rinsed it off before returning to the living room.

"What do you do around here for fun?"

I asked Edward as he sat down next to me and wrapped me inside his arms.

"I can think of a few things." He kissed my neck and my whole body got hot.

"Not what I meant."

"Of course it wasn't." Edward mocked.

"I'm serious."

"There's a corner store."

"A corner store?"

"Yeah, they have board games and stuff. You can go up there if you'd like."

I fished some pants out of my dresser and pulled them on quickly. I put on my grey hoodie and jogged out of the house. Two cars sat there and neither was my truck.

"Edward!" I yelled. He ran out with a grin. "Where's my truck?"

"It was time to put it down Bella."

"I'll decide when it's time to put it down, I want my truck."

He sighed, "I'll get your truck."


"Can you please drive one of these very nice cars for the time being?"

"Get me the keys." I grunted. He flashed inside the house and returned with some keys. He threw some keys, which I failed at catching, and went back into the house.

I started the Range Rover closes to the end of the drive way. I backed out and drove down the road searching for this corner store. The town was mostly deserted. I finally found a small store at the center of everything.

I walked in and got stares from several people. A woman with thinning brown hair and full grey eyes,a man with clear blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, and a friendly looking woman with red hair and blue eyes.

"Can I help you with something sweetheart?" The red head asked.

"No thank you, just looking."

"Help yourself."

I walked down the aisle and was surprised to see all the stuff. Candy, groceries, toys, games, drinks, and personal stuff.

I picked up a chess board and Uno cards. I grabbed a bag of chips and walked to the register.

"What's south of here?" I questioned the red head lady checking me out.


"And north?"

"California. We're a small island, but we manage."

"Thank you." I walked out of the store and got into my car. I drove back home and again Edward was nowhere to be found.

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