Edward and Jacob

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"I hate this! Charlie hasn't even thought about letting me out the house."

"Give him time Bella. he wants the best for you."

"He thinks that the best thing for me is locking me in this house again."

Edward laughed and played with a strand of my hair.

"When do you start school?"

"Next week."

Edward could sense the pain in my voice, "no one will think your crazy."

"Yes they will."

"I'll be there with you."

"I know, but...."

"But nothing, you have me and I have you and that's all that matters."

I kissed Edward and stopped when I heard the knocking on my window. I opened it and Jake squeezed through.



"Hey, be friendly."

"I've been told I'm good with animals."

"Sorry, I'm not good with blood-sucking murderers."

"Hey! none of that."

"Sorry bells."

"I apologize Bella."


"Bella." he wrapped one of his humongous arms around me and heated my whole body. laying next to a vampire didn't keep you warm at night.

"Was there something you needed Jacob?"

"I'm here to talk to Bella."

"Me and her were discussing something, I'm sure there is a frisbee somewhere you can catch."

"There's a blood bank somewhere you can raid, oh wait, I forgot. you're waiting until Bella is desperate again to steal her blood."

"Dogs, they say the darnest things."

"Okay that is enough. Edward wait outside."

"I'm being kicked out?"


"I thought he couldn't come in without permission anyways." Jacob mumbled.

"I'll be waiting outside Bella." Edward jumped from the window. I turned to Jacob and met his lips.

He pressed his lips against mine and held me in place by my back. I struggled against his lips and he used his tongue to get in my mouth.

I managed to get out and then slapped his face.

"What is wrong with you!" I didn't have to say more before Edward had Jacob in a corner by his neck.

"Touch her!" he yelled. "touch her!"


"What's going on up here?" Charlie yelled from down the hallway.

"Get out!" I yelled.

Nobody moved and Charlie walked into the room.

"What's going on here?"

Edward had fury in his eyes.

"Please Edward let him go." I grabbed his arms and tried to move his body but he was stiff.

"Edward please, Jacob." Edward released his grip on Jacob and stood there.

Jacob rubbed his neck. he lunged at Edward and they were tingled on the ground fighting.

"Hey! hey!" Charlie yelled. "you'll both be spending the night in jail!" Charlie went downstairs and came back with his gun.

He shot through the ceiling. Edward pushed Jacob off of him and Jacob panted in the corner.

"I want you both to go home."

"I ain't leaving until I know he's gone." Jacob yelled.

"I'd hit you but that's animal abuse."

"Go home!" Charlie yelled louder.

Jacob jumped out of the window first and then Edward behind him.

"Dad, let me explain."

"I don't want to hear a thing Bella."

"I'm taking your bed and moving it to my room. Then I'm going to nail all the windows close and lock your room door. I'll be the only one with a key."


"Bella, you're grounded for another two months."

"Dad please!"

"I'm not arguing with you Bella! get moving!" his voice scared me and I followed his directions.

His room was stuffy and had a small bathroom with an extra small toilet and sink.

I sighed and plopped down on the bed.

Edward knocked on the window and I turned away. he got me in trouble and I didn't want to talk to him.

"Bella." He whispered.

"Go away." I yelled a threw a pillow at the window. he eventually took a hint and went away.

He thought it would be easy to get me back in his arms. instead I would show him. I had a bone to pick with him and Jacob.

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