New School

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"Bella! School!" I rolled over and glanced at my clock. It was barely even seven. I pushed back my covers and laid there for several more minutes before finally getting up. that was one thing I liked about Charlie, he gave me my space. he would never be yelling for me to get up, he left that kind of stuff up to me.

I went into the bathroom after grabbing my usual ensemble of jeans and a T-shirt and showered. I finished my bathroom needs such as brushing my teeth and combing out my thick brown hair. I slipped into the clothes and when I walked out Edward was laying fully dressed on my bed.

"Good morning." He said.


"Common, we have to drive to school and I hear traffic is terrible at this hour."

"Drive? with you?"

"C'mon Bella, you either got killed by crazy vampires or lived with a few scratches."

"Whatever you say, but I'm expecting you to go under the speed limit."

Edward smiled and kissed me before leaving the room. I followed and we met Renee in the kitchen.

"I made you guys lunch!" she squealed handing us each a bag.

"Gee mom thanks, skip breakfast and go straight to lunch."

"Oh gosh, I forgot about breakfast. let me fix you guys something."

"No mom it's fine, really. we should get going anyways."

"How about you Edward?"

"I'm fine thank you."

"Okay then you two get going. Be safe on the roads!" Renee yelled behind us.

We walked together holding hands to the parking garage. Edward climbed into a black Volvo.

"Is this the one that crashed?" I asked amazed by how it looked now. it didn't even have a scratch.

"Yep, Rosalie has a thing for cars."

I got in and Edward started the car up.

"How did you get it here?"

"I borrowed a favor from Emmett."

I sat back and attempted to enjoy the short ride, but my stomach was in knots. this wasn't Forks. not everyone was friendly here and I already had the feeling i'd be a side thought compared to Edward.

"I wish you'd stop worrying, everything will be fine." he rubbed my arm and pecked my cheek lightly.

"I'm scared."

"I know, me too."

"What do you have to be scared about? you'll pass all your classes easy and you''re beautiful Edward. people will bow down at your feet me on the other hand....."

"I think you're very beautiful and I have a lot of things to be worried about."

"Like what?"

"Fitting in with humans is something I.... struggle with. the way I talk and act, it's not..... modern."

"Whatever, I just want to get there so I can get home." Edward laughed.


"Why do humans try so hard? to be something you're not for.... friends?"

"You'll never understand Edward in the 1900 you didn't have to worry about cliques and peer pressure."

"You right, I didn't. you ready?"

I hadn't even noticed when he stopped.

"No." the knots in my stomach got heavier and my whole body hurt.

"You'll be fine, I'll be right there with you."

"You promise?"


Edward got out of the car and then rushed to my side to open my door. I got up and held his hand again walking into the school. It was big and nearly in central New York.

We walked in and a small woman approached us.

"Welcome to Jakesin High. I am your principal and your names are?"



"Well, Bella and Edward, and sure you'll get along fine here." she left and I felt the intense gaze of everyone. they weren't staring at me they were staring at the beautiful creature next to me.

A girl jogged up in a short skirt. her hair was dark brown and she stood in front of Edward.

"Hey. "


She laughed, "you new here?"


"I can tell, I'm Marie."

"Edward Cullen."

"That's a nice name, Edward. So Edward, if I give you my number do you promise to call?"

"I would have to check with my girlfriend."

She finally noticed me and rolled her eyes.

"Well Edward, I would love to talk to you some more."

She ran away and I tugged Edward's arm.

"That's what I'm talking about."

"Who? her? she's not interested in me. The whole time she was thinking about making sure no one finds out about her girlfriend."

"I forgot you can read minds."

"Yeah, the guy behind us is planning on slapping your butt.

"What?" before he could answer my question I felt it. I turned to look at the guy and he smiled.

"We should probably get to class, the principal is ringing the bell early."

He grabbed my hand and shuffled me to my first class just as the bell rung. I took a seat next to him in the back as everyone filed in.

"Class today we have two new students, please come introduce yourselves."

I didn't want to move, but Edward tugged on my shirt and I walked behind him. I was sure I would faint.

"Hello, I'm Edward Cullen."

"I-I- I'm Isabella....Isabella Swan, but-but everyone calls me Bella.... I-I prefer Bella." I was mentally kicking myself for sounding so stupid. a small eruption of laughter made me feel worse, nothing good could come out of today.

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