Bite Me

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"I thought I was dead, it felt like it." I explained to Edward while laying my head in his lap. 

"I thought I lost you, i'm just glad you're doing better." 

"What about Charlie?" 

"He hasn't even noticed your gone. Carlisle has kept him busy with baseball tickets and free beer." 

"That's Charlie." I laughed. I searched Edward's face with my hand and ran my finger along his jaw. I brought his face down to mine and let him kiss me. His lips touched my face gently at first and then his kisses began getting harder. 

He grabbed me by my hips and brought me so I was staring in his face. He continued to kiss me and then applied the pressure of his fangs on my neck. 

"Just do it." I encouraged. He placed me down and rubbed his neck. 

"You should get to bed." 

"Why get me all excited?" 

"I can slip up to Bella." 

He threw me one of his shirts and kissed my forehead. 

"Goodnight Bella." 

"Can't I stay up late? It's spring break." I begged playfully. 

He laughed, "goodnight." He repeated. 

I put on his shirt and climbed under his covers. I was happy I had this bed just for me. It was so soft and plush. I hadn't seen Jake since my near death experience. Edward told me he went for a run near Canada. He probably needed it to take the stress off. 

I pulled the covers up to my neck and tried to close my eyes. I hoped his solid, yet cold body would be there when I woke up. 

Edward played with a strand of my hair and sat to where his cold chest was at my back. 

"Edward." I scolded get up and sliding next to him with one hand over his chest. 

"What? Isn't a man allowed to be flirty with his girlfriend?" Edward kissed my forehead and then my neck. 

"Bite me." 


"Edward, this isn't fair. You get to be beautiful forever and I'l eventually be old and ugly and die." 

"I won't last very long after you." 

"That's not the point. I want to be one of you." 

"Bella...can we talk about something else?" 

"Whatever." I sulked turning my back to him. 


I ignored him. 

"Bella!" he yelled grabbing my hips and pulling me up to where we were eye to eye. 

"Let me go." 

"No, I want us to be together forever. This is not the way to go about it though. There are certain rules we have to follow and I can't break the treaty." 

"Look, I can make Jake change his mind." 

"This is not about you and Jacob. Jacob is not head of the pack." 

"I know that. Where is Jacob?" 

Edward took a whiff of the air. 


He sat me down and grabbed my hand leading me downstairs. 

"Jake." I said dropping Edward's hand and running into Jacob's arms. 

"I'm glad to see you going." I smiled seeing him smile. 

"Where were you?" 

"Solving a problem." 

"What kind of problem?" 

"A leech problem." 

"Jacob, a vampire on your land?" Carlisle asked. 

"Yeah, he wasn't all freaky eyed so I figured he wasn't one of you." 

"Was it Mike?" 


"Was it?" 

"Yes, but he's not dead just scared. He probably went to the red eyes in charge." 

"That could mean more trouble." 

"Look, I was just keeping Bella safe." 

"And you've done a very good job of it thank you. You can leave now." Edward's voice was hard and he grabbed me by my waist now allowing me to move. 

"Hey I helped you out. He could have been coming here to murder her." 

"Like I said, you've been a great help. What do you want a treaty?" 

"What's his problem." Jacob clicked his teeth.

"You've forgotten I can read minds Jacob. Get out!" 

"What's going on?" I questioned, lost.

"Jaocb here has something he wants to tell you." 


" know you're my best friend forever right?" I love you, I would never hurt you." 

"Jacob you better hurry." Edward warned. 

"I may have done something. Something bad." 


His face turned and he looked sick. 

"What?" I questioned. 


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