Bringing the Old Me Back part 2

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Needles were inserted into my arms and I took deep breaths as every long sharp object punctured a vein.

"All you have to do is relax and you'll feel nothing."

Another needle went from my neck, my back, my stomach, and my leg.

"We are performing a simple process of removing all the venom from your system. after that you'll go back to being human."

"What about life before? does time reverse or something."

"Don't worry Bella," Jacob spoke up. "I managed to convince Charlie that you'd run away."

"But he had a funeral."

"Because Billy told him to. Billy said he needed closure and placing you in a box was a good way to do it. I told Charlie you must have fell, hit your head, and wondered off. so just act like you don't remember anything."

"Won't it look weird if you and Edward find me."

"We won't. we have this all under control Bella. just relax."

Easier said than done. a felt something going through one of the needles and not long after my eyelids got heavy. it became a burden trying to keep the open so I closed them.

"Isabella Swan, if you can hear my voice nod."

I did as told.

"You're not all the way asleep yet, so we wait."

I laid there thinking about Jake's plan. it was kind of comforting to know that he didn't believe I was dead. I would be happy to he human again. being a vampire was nice but I would have preferred it be under better circumstances.

I couldn't finish my thoughts before I slipped into a daze and then a deep sleep.

The process was really numbing. I cold feel something going in and out of my body but I couldn't feel it. I didn't feel any pain and all I could do was lay there. it was like being paralyzed, the numbness you felt and wanting to pay your arm or leg to make sure it was still there. I wished I could. I wish someone would have patted my arm just so I knew it was there.

That's when the real pain started. the venom must be coming out and that meant they were taking out blood. I felt hands holding my body down, vampires. I struggled against them trying to rip the needles out. I couldn't feel any part of me so it was useless but I still tried.

I could feel pints and pints of blood leaving my body and I wasn't exactly comfortable with it. I was unable to do anything. I laid there in an intense amount of pain.

"Bella." I couldn't see all I could do was here the voices of those around me. "It's me Jake. If you want a visual of yourself you look hideous."

"Jacob." Edward hushed.

"No, she wants to know. I can't tell. your hair is extremely thin due to the blood loss. your cheeks aren't red they're actually blue. you look like a walking stick, I think we should show her to Charlie like this."

"What?" Edward question.

"The story I told him included Bella falling and getting amnesia. then being stranded in the woods. she's in the perfect shape. we can cut her stomach and put a bandage around her head to make it look like she fell."


"You got any better ideas?"

"A lot, dogs..." Edward muttered.

"What! what I am suppose to tell Charlie!"

"I'm not going to kill her again to convince Charlie she's alive!"

"It's your fault," Jacob hissed. "if you wouldn't have left and upset all your fellow leeches we wouldn't have this problem. I'm trying to give her the one thing you took away from her, a normal life."

"You seem to be forgetting I'm not the only not normal person. look, dog we'll tell Charlie she ran away. book her some therapist or something. I'll be back and Charlie will be more focused on getting me out if her life then trying to figure out why she's alive."

"I guess it's time to build up our defenses."

"What's that suppose to mean mongrel."

"When Charlie finds out you're back I'm the only person she's going to be able to be around. if she's there we have to be sure red head doesn't get her."

"If you touch her, if you look her wrong, if you think about anything so help me God I will pulverize you and lock you in chains like the dog you are."

"Whatever." was all Jacob said. I wish I was awake to stop this. it was bad on Jacob's part but Edward shouldn't have such a short-temper.

"She's almost awake." The lady spoke. Jacob and Edward stopped bickering.

"She's active thoughts wise, she wishes you two would get along."

"How can you read her thoughts and the leech can't?"

"I'm not reading her thoughts. I'm acting on her personality."

I could feel movement in my hands and legs coming back. it was still tingling and sort of painful but I was glad to know they were still there.

"So she's no longer a vampire?"


"The fangs are gone? the eyes? the speed everything?" Jacob questioned.

"Yes, she is as human as she was before."

I could feel my neck and moved it a little to take out the soreness.

"She is awake. If you can hear my voice I want you to move your leg."

I forced my leg up and down painfully.


I blinked a few times to clear out the blur in my eyes. Edward and Jacob had stoic looks on their faces. I stayed motionless feeling guilty if I touched one and not the other.

"You're awake."

"I'm human." I frowned.

"You promised to tell me the advantages of being a vampire."

"Speed, strength, it made me fearless."

"Bella, you don't need to stop your heart to be fearless. I don't know to many girls who hang around with vampires and werewolves. you are very brave."

"Thanks Jake."

"I think it's time to get you back to Charlie."

Something shifted in my stomach and I wasn't so happy anymore. I loved Charlie and wanted to see him, I just couldn't. I couldn't look at all the pain I had put him through.

I guess I was out of options though. Edward helped me off of the table and after making sure I could move everything we started on our way back go Forks.

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