Oh i am dead...again! Justin locked eyes with me and things got tense real fast as i stopped chewing my apple and looked down.
"What is she doing here?" Ryan asked suddenly glaring at me. Well actually i don't know if it was a glare or what because these guy had emotions like a brick wall and you can't tell.
"I was enjoying free period with 'her'...And she has a name," Zack says sitting back down next to me. I was trying to focus on reading my book and not making eye contact with the three. This was awkward already.
"Alright fair enough.....So what's your name babe," Ryan says returning to his player self. He really needs a good smack, just saying.
"She isn't going to talk to you when you talk to her like that," Zack says with a chuckle. Justin just stared at me, not saying a word which was weird, he usually was the one with the come backs and sly comments toward ladies.
"Alright new question, why the hell are you wearing a long sleeve shirt? It is like 70 degrees out here," Ryan says to me like i was crazy or something. I didn't reply, but he was getting on my nerve that was for sure.
"I was actually wondering that too," Zack said looking at me. I glared at him, wait to pick sides big boy. I simply closed my book and started packing my things. I heard Zack sigh.
"Come on Jessica, Ryan is just annoying. Don't mind him," Zack says standing as i get up as well.
"Yeah, don't be a snobby brat," Ryan says making everyone go silent. I slowly turn toward him and look at him in the eye this time.
"excuse me!" i said walking past him and Justin toward the school. I keep walking but i can hear them talking.
"Wait to go Ryan," Zack says with a sigh. Justin still didn't say anything. I risked a look back and he was still watching me. What was his deal and looking at me? It is really starting to creep me out. I don't want anything to do with Zack's friends, they are bad news. Rumors or not i don't trust those kids at all.
The week passed and things at home weren't better. Actually it was slowly getting worse. I basically had cuts all up and down both of my arms now and even some on my stomach. I can't handle all this pain anymore. I needed an escape. Maybe if school goes alright today i will rethink this, but i doubt anything we change.
Once i got to school i was right, right away Maddie and Kaylee walked over. Just keep walking Jessica, they will go away.
"Hey freak," Maddie says making me stop because she was blocking my locker. I kept looking down.
"She isn't going to talk and you know it Maddie," Kaylee says sounding like she wanted Maddie to just drop what ever was coming. Maddie just smirked and looked back toward me.
"I seen you hanging out with Justin, Ryan, and Zack...That is a big no no...They are mine and only mine," she says pushing me into the locker behind me.
"Leave her alone Maddie...And who said Zack was yours? last i checked he was MY boyfriend," Layla says walking over and helping me up. Maddie steps back and crosses her arms.
"Yeah well, we all know Zack is using you. I mean you are rich, he is going to use you and dump you like every other girl in this school, what makes you an exception," she says with venom. Layla doesn't even seem affected by her words she just smirks.
"Sorry, that only happens to you because you are a toy that every boy here likes to pass around. I have more respect for myself," Layla says with a smile of victory at the reaction Maddie face has.
"Look here Ms. High and mighty, you think you can just have any guy here.... why don't you stick to your freak over there of a friend, i mean you two make a good group of friends," Maddie says walking away. Layla just laughs and we walk toward my class.
Nothing is said after, until we get to lunch and she goes to get her lunch. I am walking around and bump into Justin. Really, why does this world hate me. He smirks down at me as i get up off the floor.
"Forgot something," he says. As i turn around a tray of food is spilled all over me. A bunch of gasps and laughs sound off in the lunch room as i fall on the ground again, soaked in pizza sauce, water, and who knows what else.
"I am so sorry, he tripped me," a girl says getting up off the floor as well. I slowly sit up, tears threatening to spill at any moment.
"What the hell Justin!" Layla shouts as she comes over, avoiding the spill and helps me to my feet. I push her away from me and examine my clothes. People were snapping pictures of me and laughing. I see Maddie and Kaylee walk over.
"Nice look," Maddie says with a smirk. Kaylee looks torn between laughing and feeling sorry for me. But i know she wanted to laugh, she is no better then these kids. Zack walks over with a laughing Ryan but Zack doesn't look thrilled.
"That wasn't funny Justin," he says walking over to where Layla was trying to help me but i just pushed past all of them. I had enough of this crap, i was done. Like i promised myself before i came here. I don't want to live like this anymore, it isn't worth it. Tonight, i will finally put a stop to this pain......

Hold Tight (A Justin Bieber Love Story) ((BEING EDITED))
FanfictionMeet Jessica Hernandez, she is your typical outcast at school. Her classmates bully her, and put her down. But what they don't know is what else is going on in her life, a part of her that she hide each and everyday. She has become a master at hidin...