A/N: So i decided to switch things up a little, so i'm going to try Justin's POV for half this chapter.... Let's see how this goes!
Justin's POV
After hearing all this stuff, about what happened to Jessica, i couldn't control my anger and i knew i had to leave before i did or said something i would regret. I knew i threw the glass, but i was so mad. Hearing that the girl you are in love with went through so much pain and there was nothing you could do to change that or help her, it kills me. So after i left my house i went right to Ryan's house.
"Hey man," he greets as he meets me at the park. I nod in acknowledgement and we take a walk. "What's up man, why do down?" he says. He knows me well, since we have been friends since we were little and still lived in Canada. His family moved with mine so we could still stick together, we have been through a lot together, so it was only fair.
"I don't know man, Jessica told me one of the many stories about her and, i don't know, i just flipped out. I have so much anger built up for that man, i just can't control it," i tell him as we sit on a bench.
"You didn't hurt her or yell at her did you?" he asked knowing that my anger problesma re uncontrolable. I shake my head.
"No, i would never. I threw a glass and left her at my house... I just needed to get away before i did do something stupid," i say putting my face in my hands and groaning.
"Well, i think you better go back and explain to her why you are upset... And comfort her since she just told you something she doesn't tell a lot of people. She is probably thinking that you think she is broke and you don't freaking want her anymore, did you think of that?" he says slapping mme on the head.
"Ouch!" i say rubbing the spot her hit.
"You are so dumb i swear. She told you because it is clear she trust you and loves you and then you just walked out when she needed someone the most... I swear... Go and get her man," he says getting up, I get up and nod.
"Yeah i guess, thanks man," I say giving him a bro hug and walking back toward my house.
I walk into my house and see my mom rocking Brooke.
"Oh hey sweetheart," she says to me setting Brooke down on the couch and walking back to the kitchen where i was.
"Hey, is Jessica still here?" i asked her. She gives me a funny look at sits down.
"No, she left me a not saying she was going out and not to worry. She was gone when i came back already," she tells me. crap, i knew something like this would happen, she is emotionally unstable. I quickly walk out of the house and down the street.
"Layla open up!" i shout banging on the door. After awhile there was no anwser and i was thinking Jessica told her not to open the door but then Zack opened it as he was fixing his hair. I don't even wanna know what i interrupted.
"Calm down Jusitn, why are you flipping?" he asked as Layla walks up also with messy hair. I make a face at the two and then shake it off.
"Is Jessica here?" i asked them. Layla shakes her head.
"No, just Zack.. Why? What did you do now?" she says in an annoyed voice. I glare at her, she always blames me.
"I don't need this right now Layla," i snap at her. Zack steps in front of her and looks at me.
"Dude, what is witht he anger today?" he asked clearly trying to stop all this fighting.
"Jessica and i got in a fight, well more like she told me something and i got mad and walked out on her....Now she is gone," i say still glaring at Layla because i know she is going to say something.
"Maybe you should control your anger and it wouldn't be a problem, she already tries killing her self and you aren't helping," she snaps at me making me close my hands into fist at my side. Zack takes notice to this and looks at Layla.
"Layla, please not now. I know you two dislike each other right now but can we focus on finding Jessica, becfore something bad happens?" he says pulling Layla and i into the the house. We start with calling Allison but with no luck because she doesnt pick up, i called everyone i could think of along with Layla and Zack. After a four hours Zack tried Jessica's phone again.
"Where are you?" he says through the phone. I couldn't focus on what they were saying because i was pacing with worry, soon i just decided to take the phone. She didn't get a lot of words in because someone was there.
"Andrew what are you doing here?" Jessica said as i hear dher set the phone down. Andrew? I swear if he touches her i will murder him. I sit and listen for any clue of where she was. I hear something about a lake and i turn toward Layla and Zack.
"Where is there a lake?" i asked confused. I haven't ever seen a lake around here. Layla looks at me strange and looks like she is thinking, then she looks at me.
"She used to tell me about it, she went there to think all the time, it's hidden behind the woods," she says in a panic. I Hear Jessica yell int he background and a splash.
"I need to know now Layla," i say hanging up the phone.
"Behind the woods down the street.....Justin, she can't swim," she says worried because she must know something is wrong.
"Layla get your brother back here now, Zack come on," i say as i run out the door with him right behind me.
I run throught the trees and run into someone. we both fall and i look up and see Andrew. He gets up and tries running but i grab him and slam him into a tree, letting my anger come out.
"Where is she Andrew?" i shout at him as i punch him over and over. Zack grabs my arm and takes hold of Andrew.
"Go check around," he says punching Andrew.
"She is already half way to the bottom already boys," Andrew says earning another punch. I quickly run out into the beach area and out onto the dock. The water is crystal clear and i look around. I look to the left of the dock and catch a flash of Jessica's necklace shine from the sun. Oh crap, i think as i take no time in thinking before i jump in.
I swim down and grab her around the waist and quickly swim to the surface. I get above water and hold her up out of the water as i swim toward the shore. Swimming with cloths on is hard, but when you are trying to save the girl you love it doesn't slow you down. I get to shore and i pull her up onto the sand.
"Jessica," i say getting down on my knees next to her, i put my ear to her chest and hear no breath. "No, come one Jess," I say doing chest compressions and mouth to mouth. I do this for ten times and still get nothing. Soon Zack drags Andrew over and Layla is here.
"Is she?" Layla says with tears in her eyes. I sit down and pull Jessica in my arms and rock her as i struggle to hold back my own tears.
"No, not like this Jess, please not like this," i whisper to her as we all stay on the beach.

Hold Tight (A Justin Bieber Love Story) ((BEING EDITED))
FanfictionMeet Jessica Hernandez, she is your typical outcast at school. Her classmates bully her, and put her down. But what they don't know is what else is going on in her life, a part of her that she hide each and everyday. She has become a master at hidin...