I was in a total and complete break down, seeing the doctors rush int he ER made me hope it wasn't Justin they were all talking about. I was scared and my panic attack was beginning to take over.
"Jess, breath alright," Rylee says kneeling in front of me holding my face. He knows how to handle this situation since i have had many of them before.
"It's okay Jessica," Layla says kneeling next to him while Zack sits next to me on one side and Kyle on the other. I take slow breaths but the yelling from the ER makes me freak again and i begin to shut down.
"Jessica!" Allisons voice says snapping me back. I look up and see her standing there. Rylee moves and lets her take over as she kneels in front of me. She is awake, and okay.
"Look at me baby, you got to clam down," She says in a motherly tone. I nod and slowly bring my breathing down until it is level and i hug her. I let more tears fall and everyone gives us some space. I hug her not only because i was scared, but because she was alright, and alive and wasn't giving up on me.
"I was so scared you wouldn't wake up," I say between sobs. She pulls back and holds my face with a smile and tears of her own.
"I know baby, i heard you while i was asleep.... I am so sorry i wasn't here for all this, i am supposed to protect you and i can't even do that right. I am a terrible mother," she says making me shake my head.
"No you're not! Chris hurt you so that you couldn't help...YOu are not a bad mother," i say hugging her again.
"Jessica," I hear someone say. I pull away from Allison and see Pattie standing with Brooke, Jazzy, and Jaxon. She has been here in Justin's room since we got here, and she was a mess. I stand up, and walk over taking Jazzy outta her hands, she was fast asleep.
"Pattie, i am so sorry for all this," I say holding back more tears. She holds her hands up.
"Please don't say sorry Jessica, you didn't know this would happen. You mean everything to Justin, he knew what he was getting into, but i do wish all this never happened," she says, "But don't think for one second i would change it. You have made a huge impact on my family, Justin is happy again, the kids love you and you get along with them so well, you are like my own daughter," she says pulling me into a tight hug. I hug her back being careful not to wake Jazzy. Allison picks up Brooke and smiles.
"I wish i could change this, i really do," I say pulling away again.
"We will take Jaxon and Jaz with us, if you want to stay here Pattie," Layla says smiling as Jaxon holds her hand. Rylee nods in agreement.
"Yeah, really it's not a problem. You need to be here, and we would love to help out any way we can," Rylee says taking Jazzy from me because i was getting tired of holding her. Pattie smiles as she wipes some tears.
"Thank you guys so much, i will let you all know as soon as i hear news... And Jessica," she says looking abck at me before going back through the doors i have been staring at for hours.
"Yeah," I whisper.
"Not just for me, but because i know Justin would want this too, go home, get some sleep and go to school like normal.... You will be the first to know i promise, but for now you have to go on with your life like normal without Justin. That is what he would want," she says walking in the doors.
"She's right Jess, i mean waiting here isn't helping," Kyle says next to me, i nod and agree to go home.
I wake up the next day, tired. I slowly sit up and look around, Layla was curled up on the other side of the bed, she had stayed the night making sure i was alright. Rylee was asleep sitting against the wall with Jaxon and Jaz curled up next to him, which was adorable actually. Zack and the other boys went home since they thought that would be to many people, and the fact Rylee doesn't want Zack and Layla sleeping together while he is in the room. I smiled at my friends and got up and walked into my bathroom. I looked at my reflection, i was more pale than normal, i had no life in my eyes, my hair was still a mess, and i just didn't care. I grabbed one of Justin's hoodies and threw it on, went with sweatpants and ugg boots and threw my hair into a messy bun. Once i was happy with my look i walked back out in my room where Layla was already ready.
"How do you do that?" I asked amused at how fast she got ready and how good she always looked. She smiles and hands me my bag as we walk out so we don't wake Rylee and the kids.
"It's a secret trick," she says winking at me as we walk into the kitchen where Allison had food out and was feeding Brooke.
"Morning girls," She greets us as she hands us our food. Layla smiles and starts eating next to Brooke.
"Thanks Mom," I say. Allison smiles, because i have't called her mom yet really.
"You're welcome hun. IS Rylee and the kids still asleep?" She asked as Layla and I both nod our heads.
"Well, off to school we go," Layla says with a smile at Allison. I look at them both strange, they are up to something.
"Have a good day," Allison says as Layla and I walk out. I notice Layla look back and Allison gives her a thumbs up, seriously what are they up too.
When we arrive at school everyone looked at us. But i don't think it was because i am me this time, it might have something to do with the new group i am currently walking with. Andrew smiles and slings his arm around my shoulder as Me, Him, Layla, Zack, Kyle, Peter, Specner, and Jarod walk into the school building.
"I feel like everyone hates me right now," i whisper as we stop at Layla's locker.
"Let them think what they want. They are just made they aren't with a hot piece of work like me," Kyle jokes making everyone laugh. I hit his chest laughing.
"I'm sure that is what it is Kyle," I say just as i hear the heels clicking down the hallway. Anyone in a mile radius knows who it is.
"What is this?" Maddie's voice snaps as she stands in front of us with the cheer team and football team, since she is now dating the star player.
"Oh the slut crew, and man whore crew made an apperance today," Layla says in a sarcastic tone. Zack gives her a warning look because he knows as well as I do that Layla and Maddie will get into it. The boys laugh though which makes the football team glare at them.
"Oh shut up Layla, don't you have a street corner to get back to," Maddie snaps back making the cheer team laugh and some chuckles come from the football team. Layla smiles but doesn't say a word.
"At least she still has more class than you. YOu basically should have a free sign on you, that's how cheap you are," Spencer says making our group cheer and hollar. Maddie's face was priceless as she stares at us shocked.
"What are guys like this hanging with a freak like you for anyways. I know i wouldn't want to be friends with the girl who cuts herself or has daddy issues," She snaps at me and only me making me step back. But what i did next shocked everyone.

Hold Tight (A Justin Bieber Love Story) ((BEING EDITED))
FanfictionMeet Jessica Hernandez, she is your typical outcast at school. Her classmates bully her, and put her down. But what they don't know is what else is going on in her life, a part of her that she hide each and everyday. She has become a master at hidin...