Chapter 70

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"Justin calm down....THe doctor said she was going to be fine, and will tell us when she wakes up," i hear Rylee's voice softly in the background.

"Calm down! Josh freaking had something to do with this and i know it... He was with her, it had to be him.. I swear if he hurt Jessica or my kids i'll personally kill the--" he's cut off when i cough and open my eyes.

"Jess!" Layla says from across the room. Sure enough the whole gang is here, even the kids still. Justin comes ot my side and moves some hair out of my face. I look around and i recognize the hospital room, i also had an IV hooked in my arm as well.

"What happened?" I asked sitting up a little with Justin's help.

"Josh," Zack says pissed off. I shake my head.

"No, Josh was trying to help me....I just, i was standing there while Maddie and Layla talked and i just got a sharp pain and it hurt like crazy," i say holding my stomach.

"Nothing to be alarmed about Jessica," Doctor Mallory says as she walks in with a smile and her usual clip board. 

"Doctor," Justin greets sitting next to me as everyone else wait on the other end of the room.

"Didn't think i would see you back so soon....But guess you get an early check up," she jokes making me smile a little.

"And what is wrong? Why was I in so much pain?" I asked worried as i rub my stomach. She simply smiles and looks at us.

"It's normal with Twins. Your body although made to carry a child, since you are still young and small, you might be in more pain then other women during this time. There's little room for the babies and it's going to cause some pain and discomfort for you, but i am honest when i say this is normal, i have seen it many times before," She says writting stuff down.

"So nothing is wrong?" Justin says just to get a comfirmation. Doctor Mallory nods and hands me a bottle of meds.

"Take one of these once a day, it'll help with the pain. Drink a lot of water, and stay off your feet as much as possible. To much stress on the mother is not good for the babies," she says while standing up. Justin stands and shakes her hand.

"Thank you Doctor Mallory," he says as she leaves. Everyone comes over and smiles in relief.

"Can we go get food now?" I say making everyone laugh.

"Damn, you pregnant people and your food," Kyle teases making me slap him. He groans in pain and holds his arm. "And violent, gosh Jess," He says moving before I can whack him again.

Later we finally left the hospital and Justin drove us to our new house. I haven't seen it yet so this was exciting. He parked the car and opened my door and helped me out. I smiled at the house, it was big. I smiled as we walked up the front steps and he opened the door. The inside was amazing and perfect.

"Wait i have to show you the nursery. Mrs. Stevenson and my mom made it and it's perfect," he says pulling me up the stairs. It takes me a while to make it up but we get there. We walk down the hall and across from our room is a cute white door with 'Colton and Cassidy' written on it. I smile as i run my hand across the letters. Justin smiles and opens the door. My mouth drops at the sight. The room is huge, bigger than mine and Justin's room. It is separated in two parts, a boys side and a girls. Blue and purple/pink. I smile at all the toys and cloths and all the new baby stuff that is set up around the room. This is a dream room for any mother. I felt a tear run down my face and Justin wiped it away.

"Stupid hormones," i say making him laugh as he carefully hugs me. 

"This is so amazing Justin... Thank you for all of this," I say pulling away. He smiles and kisses my head.

"Perfect place for a family," he says as we walk to our bedroom to get some sleep after a long day.

(Skipping ahead about six months)

It was such a nice day out today, the sun was shining and the spring air was warm. I had taken a few college classes online over the rest of our summer break a few months back so i was caught up. 

"It's so nice out," Cara says taking a sip of her water as Layla, her and I sit on the back deck. The boys decided to go for a run today so we were having girl time. I was due any day now and was nervous as heck.

"Yeah i couldn't ask for a much better day," Layla says placing a hand on her stomach. She had recently found out her and Zack were expecting a baby in about five months, a little boy to be exact. I was excited to be an aunt, no i know how she was feeling. 

"Yeah," i say as that sharp pain hits me. I sit forward and gasp.

"Are you okay?" Cara asked placing a hand on my shoulder. I nod and get up.

"I'm gonna go take those meds now, be right back," i say as i make my way inside. The kitchen was right through the sliding door so i was in sight still, plus the screen was open so i could hear them as well which made me feel better. As i took a drink of water i got a more intense pain and dropped my glass, it shatters and i grab my stomach as the pain increases. 

"Jessica!" Layla shouts as her and Cara rush over. They carefully move around the glass and over to me as i let out a scream. This pain was way more serious then the normal ones i have been having. Layla was freaking out, but Cara was staying clam and talking to me.

"Just breath Jess, alright deep,slow breaths," She says as she calls someone on speaker.

"Hello!" Andrew greets. You could hear they were still running because the boys were joking and they all sounded out of breath.

"Andrew, where are you guys right now?" she asked calmly as she rubbed my back. I was trying to breath slowly but another intense pain came and i scream.

"What's going on?" Andrew says sounding more worried this time.

"Jess is in labor, you guys need to hurry up. You have the keys and Jessica need to get to a hospital," she says a little more paniced as I begin to tear up from the pain.

"We are running up the drive now," he says as Justin comes running into the house and right to Jessica.

"What do we do!" he says freaking out. He was shirtless and sweaty which distracted me a little.

"Hospital," Layla says freaking out as she grabs her bag and rushes out the door. 

"Come on baby," Justin says as he picks me up, which i feel bad about because my weight along with my extra baby weight must be heavy. He carries me to his car and we leave with everyone close behind. 

We arrive at the hospital and Justin pushes me in a wheelchair inside.

"We need a doctor, fast. She's in labor," Justin shouts at the nurses. One nurse walks over calmly and smiles at me.

"Alright hun, deep breaths. You're doing fine, just kep breathing and stay calm," she says making me relax a little knowing that these people are here to help me. They wheel me into the room and Justin follows, everyone else waits in the waiting room. This was going to be the worst pain i have been through so far.

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