A/N: Hey guys, i was reading some comments you all left me. Thank you all so much for your support and reading my story (PS make sure yo read the second book that is in progress). It means so much to me, and as a thank you i am making a bonus chapter just for you guys :) Leave comments, suggestions for new stories, and anything else you would like, i love hearing from you all :) Also, i am replying to messages, so inbox me if you'd like ;) THANK YOU!
A Year Later.....
"Jessica are you almost ready?" Layla shouts from outside my bedroom door. I groan and roll over in my bed. Jade and Lexi suddenly run in and jump on me causing me to groan more.
"Layla seriously, let me sleep," i complain as she i hear her walk in followed by a giggling baby. I turn over and I am greeted with a smiling Molly and my best friend. Slowly sitting up and stretching i give Layla a glare.
"Hey, if you don't get your butt up you will be late. Then i have to deal with everyone being angry at us all," she says with a smirk. I shake my head and roll out of bed.
"Where are the twins?" i asked throwing on some cloths. I look back into the bedroom from my bathroom and see Layla bouncing Molly.
"In the car with RaeLynn waiting for us to get going, so hurry it up!" She says walking out the door. I laugh and shake my head. I look in the mirror and smile, everything changes today. I quickly grab my bags and rush out the bedroom down, racing the dogs down the stairs and run outside.
"Wait!" I shout running back to close the front door. I forgot to close it in my excited rush. I quickly pet the dogs and close the door, racing once again to the car. I hop in the back and kiss my babies on the cheek. They are now one and their personalities are already showing. Cole was a big mommies boy, while Cassidy was a total daddies girl. Justin always melted in her hands when she giggled or wanted to be held. It was actually pretty cute.
"Who got them all ready since Justin wasn't home all night?" i asked looking over my childrens outfit choice, it was adorable. RaeLynn turns back toward us and smile.
"Oh you're welcome. Anything for my niece and nephew," She says making me smile.
"Thanks Rae you're the best," i say playing with my kids as we drive. Molly was fast asleep, which is good because she needed to be rested up for this day. We had so much to do in only a few hours, i was scared that we wouldn't have time.. But thanks to Layla, she had it all planned out and how long each thing would take already, so we would for sure be on time for this day no matter what.
"ALRIGHT! First stop, nail salon," Layla says stopping in front of the nail place. I smiled and got out of the car, taking Cole in my arms, RaeLynn took Cassidy, and Layla took a sleeping Molly. We rushed in and the ladies were already waiting for us.
"Welcome, you must be the group we were waiting for the rest. The others have already been in and out," a lady says in a sweet voice. I nod out of breath already, the kids were getting heavy for sure.
"Yeah, so we kind of have to make this fast," I say setting Cole down but he starts crawling around. I groan and pick him back up and sit in the chair. Looks like we are gonna do this the hard way. The ladies works on my nails as i struggle to hold Cole. RaeLynn and Layla were struggling with the others as well. But we managed to get it all done and our nails looked perfect.
"Thank you guys so much!" I say rushing out the door with the others. Quickly getting in the car and driving off again. After that we got our make-up all done, and now we were at the hair place.
"You guys look like you've had a busy morning," The lady says as I sit in the chair exhasted already. I nod and laugh as Layla and RaeLynn play in the waiting room with the kids, their hair done already.
"You have no idea," I joke around laughing. She laughs and begins on my hair.
"You're kids are adorable by the way, Cassidy didn't even scream once when i was doing her hair," the ladies says as she works on my hair. I smile and look at Cass in the mirror, her hair was beautiful.
"Yeah, she is pretty good with that. Colton on the other hand.." i say making her laugh again.
"Yeah all i did was spike his hair and he screamed, but we got it done," she says backing away from me. "And there you go," she says. I look at my reflection with my hair and make-up all done. I smiled and hugged the girl.
"Thank you so much, it's perfect," i say grabbing Cole and following everyone out.
"Alright, last stop of the day," Layla says excited as we drive. I took the time to think about the past year. Everyone has gone through so much in a short time. I was blessed with the perfect man, two perfect children, and some friendships i would never forget. A crazy journey that i almost ended early, but one boy changed all of that.
"Here," Layla says pulling up to our last destination. I smile and we all get out. Layla's parents and pattie take the babies to a different room than us girls.
"Alright, let's get this done," Cara says as we walk in where all the ladies are. I smile and hug her, i missed her so much. I follow her into the dressing room and we slip on the final product.
"Are you two almost ready?" Layla says loosing patients. I laugh and walk out to the mirror. Everyone in the room gasp and looked at me amazed. I looked, and in the mirror i can fully see my wedding gown. It was perfect in every way possible. I looked and seen my fading scars as well, i frowned a little.
"Don't worry Jess, you are beautiful," Layla says hugging me. I smile and take a deep breath. This was it, i was about to marry my best friend, my life saver.
We all were waiting, the bridesmaids and grooms men were all in line ready. I smiled at RaeLynn who was holding Cole who was the ring bear. Pattie was holding Cassidy who was our flower girl. I heard the music begin and one by one everyone started walking out. I started getting dizzy and nervous as the line got shorter.
"You look beautiful," Mr. Stevenson said as he linked his arm with mine. He was stepping in as a dad figure, since he was my second dad anyways. I smiled at him and he kissed my cheek.
"Thank you, for everything," I whispered. He just smiles and looks straight as we were next.
"You deserve this Jessica, everything is falling in place," He says with a smile as the Bride music starts. I take a deep breath as the doors open and everyone was looking at us. But all i noticed was Justin, standing on the stage in his tux. His eyes locked with mine and so many emotions flooded me. I began to tear up, but not just any tears, happy joyful tears. As we got closer i became weak at teh knees, Mr. Stevenson was basically holding me up until we got to the stairs.
"I will take it from here," Justin said with a smile holding out his hand. I take it and Mr.Stevenson lets go and takes his seat with his wife. I walk up and stand across from Justin.
"You look beautiful," he whispers to me as the man speaks to the audience. I smile and wipe a tear away.
"You clean up pretty nice yourself," I tease making him laugh a little.
"Do you Jessica take his man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the man says looking at me. I smile and look at Justin.
"I Do..." I whisper.
"and do you Justin take this women to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the man asked. Justin smiles and looks right at me.
"I Do.." he says making me smile even more.
"Than by the power vested by me, you may now kiss the bride!" the man says loudly. Justin smiles and pulls me into a deep kiss as the crowd cheers and shouts. Justin pulls away and we grab our kids and doa family hug. I smile, i had everything now, a perfect life. This is everything i could ever want and more.....

Hold Tight (A Justin Bieber Love Story) ((BEING EDITED))
FanfictionMeet Jessica Hernandez, she is your typical outcast at school. Her classmates bully her, and put her down. But what they don't know is what else is going on in her life, a part of her that she hide each and everyday. She has become a master at hidin...