Chapter 45

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Alright, being short is honestly a curse. Layla and I have been trying to push our way to the front of the crowd for minutes now and we can't seem to get through. All the shouting and slamming of lockers is making my heart races.

"Is that all you got!" Andrews voice shouts over everyone before another slam of a locker follows. I try looking over everyone but still no luck.

"If you all don't get out of our freaking way I am going to take you all out," Layla shouts making people finally let us through. When we get to the front the scene frightens me. Justin and Andrew are on the ground fighting it out, both boys bleeding. Zack was a few feet away in a fight with Spencer and i knew the other boys were going to be here soon. 

"Justin!" i shout making my way over just as he punches Andrew one more time. I grab his arm and he looks at me and his eyes soften a little but not long because Andrew lands a punch to his side making him have the upper hand. I back up a little as the two go into an all out fist fight.

"Come on BIeber, you're losing your touch," Andrew says with a smirk. I shake my head and try breaking them up but Andrew grabs my arm rather tight and stands up and pushes me. Justin catches me just before i hit the ground, which i am thankful for.

"Please stop this," I whisper to him but i was to late. Just as fast as he caught me he let me go and tackles Andrew to the ground making the crowd have to step back because they moved over. I could hear Layla trying to break Zack and Spencer up as well but she was also having no luck.

"Whoa!" Kyle says running up with Jarod and Peter. Oh great, this is perfect. Now Kyle and Peter are ganging up on Justin with Andrew and Jarod is helping Spencer with Zack. Guess in this time there is no such thing as a fair fight. My mind wasn't thinking when i did the next thing, I grabbed Kyle's arm before he punched Justin and pulled him back. He stands up all the way and faces me just as i slap him. 

The room goes silent a moment as Kyle slowly turns back toward me with a death look in his eyes. I step back but hit the locker as he steps toward me.

"BIg mistake princess," he says bringing his hand back. I close my eye and wait for the impact of his fist, but it never comes. I slowly open my eyes and see Layla had come and shoved him making him fall back on his back. Layla smirks and comes to my side.

"Boy, you never raise your hand to a girl," Layla says watching Kyle slowly get up. This time his eyes had darkened and he was seriously ready to kill us now, even Layla stepped back this time.

"What now?" I whisper to Layla. She looks at me.

"Run!" She shouts grabbing my arm and pulling me with Kyle close behind. The crowd clears a path and we run down the halls. Why were no teachers around? Layla pulls me along with her, into an empty lunch room. We look around, all the doors are locked.

"You just walked us into a dead end!" I say to Layla just as we hear footsteps coming. 

"Hide,"  Layla whisper shouts as she runs into the snack area. I run into the kitchen and crawl under some tables filled with pots and pans. 

"I know you're in here!" Kyle shouts knocking things over as he looks around. I hear him getting closer and I hold my breath. The room goes silent, guess he gave up and left. I let out a breath and relax a little, which was a big mistake. Kyle grabs my legs making me scream as he pulls me out.

"Gotcha," He says with a smirk as he pulls me to my feet and pins me to the nearest wall. I struggle in his grip as i try to get free. I see Layla coming out of her hiding place but i motion for her to stay hidden, i didn't need her getting hurt.

"Let me go!" i demand, which only makes him laugh. He then suddenly slaps me, making my head snap to the side and pain shoot through my right cheek.

"Never, slap someone who is twice your size," He threatens slamming me back into the wall. I don't show sign of pain, not to him, i refuse. I look at him with no emotion.

"Is this what you want Kyle? To cause me pain? Well guess what, you are a little late, nothing can hurt me anymore. Not after the things i have been through. So go ahead and do your worst, at the end of the day it's going to make you a horrible person, alone because you don't know how to treat people, or love people," i say. Kyle looks pissed now and hits me again.

"Shut up! You don't know me, you know nothing about me. I know how to love, i know how to treat people," he shouts getting upset now. Why is he so dead set on this, why is he getting emotional over what I say.  Unless there is something deeper going on here.

"Have you ever been in love Kyle?" I shout at him making him freeze for a moment. He looks at me then away.

"Yeah, i have," he says loosening his grip on me a little. There it is, that is the problem here.

"She left didn't she? You are so angry because someone hurt you that you need to hurt other people," i shout in his face. He looks up at me and his grip tightens again.

"Shut up Jessica! So what, i was in love. Being in love isn't worth anything anymore. Not after that, not after what i went through," He shouts at me.

"Tell me then, what happened?" i say in a softer voice. He looks at me for a few moments before letting me go and backing up. Normal people take that chance to run, but not me. I wasn't going to let another person be left in pain. "Tell me Kyle," i whisper.

"Maddie.....It was Maddie, she used me. We dated and were in love accourding to her. I was in love with her, like no other. Then she turns around and says she cheated on me with one of my best friends....Do you know how that feels, to be lied to and cheated on........Then Justin walks in here and finds someone like you... Someone so broken, yet some how finds the ehart to love and respect everyone no matter what they have done....... Andrew told us that Justin deserved all this pain, and you were the only thing keeping him ancored, so you became a target.......But i can't do this, after this right now. YOu deserve to be happy with Justin, you deserve to be in love........I can't look at you right now knowing the things i have done to you," he says going to walk away but i grab his arm.

"Kyle......I forgive you, but you need to forgive yourself and move on. Maddie doesn't love anyone, it isn't anything you did wrong. You can still be a better person, leave Andrew and those guys. Be your own person," i say making him smile a little.

"You really are a good person Jessica....I hope we can be friends after all this," he says holding out his hand. I shake it and smile.

"Of course," I say as Layla walks out.

"We need to go back, they are still ganging up on the boys. 

"Shit!" Kyle says as we all run back to the group. But when we get there everyone is gone.

"Where are they?" Layla says freaking out.

"I think i might know...And it isn't good so let's hurry," Kyle says pulling us along with him toward the parking lot. My mind is racing now, where is Justin and Zack? Where are we going? Are they alright? As we get in Kyle's car i don't even focus on what Kyle is saying to us, all i am thinking about is if Justin is alright or not.

Hold Tight (A Justin Bieber Love Story) ((BEING EDITED))Where stories live. Discover now