We just left the hospital after being here for two days straight, and let me tell you it was exhausting and stressful as a mother to see one of your babies so helpless.
We pull up to the house and are greeted with Layla and Zack who is holding Cassidy. I get out of the car as Justin is unbuckling a sleeping Colton from the back seat.
"Hey, how is the little man?" Layla asked rubbing her stomach. I shrug and take Cassidy from Zack, i missed her.
"He had a bad fever and they put him on some IV and meds...He is doing better now thankfully...I just, seeing him so helpless killed me," i say as Justin walks past into the house to put Colton to bed. We follow behind him into the house and go to the living room and sit.
"Yeah i bet, poor little man," Zack says holding Layla's hand. I smile and kiss Cassidy's head.
"So when are you going to pop that kid out?" i tease, because she was due two days ago and still nothing.
"Gosh i hope soon, this little lady is causing me a lot of pain and sleepless nights with her kicking," she says looking at her stomach. Zack and I laugh at her weirdness just as Justin walks down.
"Alright, well he is out," he says will taking a seat next to me and taking Cassidy and kissing her cheek making her laugh and snuggle into him.
"Well, at least on of us can get a peaceful sleep," Layla complains making us laugh again.
"Come one darling, let's let these two get some sleep...We will call you in the morning," Zack says helping Layla to her feet.
"Alright, drive safe guys," I say as i let them out and watch them drive off. Justin comes up behind me with Cassidy in one arm and wraps his free arm around me and kisses my cheek.
"To bed my lady, you need it," he says making me smile a little as we make out way upstairs. It was starting to storm out so i already know Cassidy will be in our bed tonight. I crawl into bed and pull the covers over me while Justin gets Cassidy into her pajamas. Lexi jumps on the bed when it thunders and snuggles under the blankets next to me making me smile.
"Go to momma babes," Justin says laying Cassidy next to me while he leaves across the hall to get Colton who had just been woken up by the thunder as well.
"NIght baby girl," I whisper kissing her before completely checking out.
It has been two weeks since Colton has been sick and in that week, Layla had a beautiful baby girl who they named Molly. Also, the twins are leaning how to crawl now, well more like scooting about like worms and rolling over. Lexi is getting pretty big, but she is an amazing dog and getting more amazing day by day.
"They're here!" Justin says as he opens the front door and Layla walks in with bags of food for our lunch in the park today. Next Zack walks in carrying the baby carrier that holds little week old Molly.
"Hey guys, sorry we are late. Molly was being fussy," Layla says setting the stuff in the kitchen. I walk over just as Zack gets Molly out of her seat and hold her.
"Aw, she is adorable. She has Layla's blonde hair i see," I tease making Zack roll his eyes.
"Great, another reason for boys to love her," he says making us laugh.
"Should of had twins, that way i got someone to watch my girl at school," Justin says smiling at the twins in his arms.
"you guys are dorks, let's go eat," i say making everyone laugh.
We get to the park and eat, after we are playing in the feild where the whole gang met up.
"They are getting so big already," Kyle says laying in the grass next to Cassidy as she attempts to crawl.
"Yeah they are," Andrew says laying with Cara by Colton. I smile and throw lexi's ball again.
"Yeah, each day they grow and it is killing me," i joke making them all laugh.
"Well, i hope Molly doesn't grow that fast," Rylee says holding his niece with a smile.
"Please, my little girl is gonna stay little for awhile," Layla says as she puts some things away in our bag. I throw the ball again and it goes pretty far as i watch lexi disappear over the hill.
"Well, Cara you are next," Spencer jokes making her go wide eyed and Andrew to choke on his drink.
"Um, i think i am good for awhile," Cara says with pink cheeks now. As we laugh i notice a group walk up.
"BIeber, martin," the tattooed guys say, there was around seven of them. Zack and Justin both stand up and look worried.
"Martinez, what are you doing in town?" Justin says crossing his arms.
"I see you got yourself a family started....What happened to running and never looking back? Gone soft on us," the scary looking leader says.
"Oh crap, old gang members," layla whispers.
"Lets go somewhere else to talk in private," Zack says but the guys only smirk.
"twins huh?" another one says. As he does I pull the babies over and i hold Cassidy while Kyle takes Colton and we all stand. Rylee holds Molly close to him as well.
"Not here," Justin snaps at the guys making them look at him.
"Chill Bieber...We are all family here, let's see the kids," He says stepping closer. A sudden growl makes everyone look tot he left where Lexi slowly approches in a crouched pose. She circles the guys before standing in front of us all growling at the people. the guys step back a little.
"A dog, never thought you would have a protection dog," a guy jokes.
"Lexi sit," Justin says making Lexi sit but keeps growling.
"Either leave or she'll amke you leave," Zack says crossing his arms now as well. The guys laugh and one puts his hand behind him reaching for something.
"GET EM LEXI!" Justin shouts as Lexi leaps just as the guy pulls out a knife.

Hold Tight (A Justin Bieber Love Story) ((BEING EDITED))
FanfictionMeet Jessica Hernandez, she is your typical outcast at school. Her classmates bully her, and put her down. But what they don't know is what else is going on in her life, a part of her that she hide each and everyday. She has become a master at hidin...