Any other new student i would be alright with, any person in the world, but this is not okay. Justin swings his arm around my shoulder as the four of us set off toward the school. I wrap my arms around his waist as we walk past the group of kids.
"Bieber!" Kyle shouts standing next to Spencer and Andrew. Justin stops and i can tell he is pissed and wants to punch someone. I keep my arms around him.
"They aren't worth it Justin, they want to make a scene. Just keep walking, please?" i beg him as i watch him get more and more mad by the second. Layla and Zack stopped with us and i could tell Zack was having a hard time keeping his cool as well. Layla looked at me and we both shared the same worried expression as Andrew, Spencer, and Kyle walk up to us.
"She lives," Andrew jokes with a smirk as he crosses his arms. Justin's hands go into fists at his side as he stares down Andrew.
"Justin don't, these idiots aren't worth our time," Layla says standing next to Zack who is also glaring at the group in front of us.
"Yeah Justin, listen to the Blondie over there," Spencer adds on making Zack take a threatening step forward but Layla pulls him back.
"Zack don't," she says walking closer to the boys. She flips her hair over her shoulders and smirks, "This blonde is five seconds away from laying your butt out. So i suggest you keep moving along and stay out of our way or else we will have a real problem on our hands," she says making the boys smirk.
"What is a little shorty like you going to do?" Kyle says stepping toward her which makes Zack pull Layla back and stand chest to chest with Kyle.
"I will let my boys go ape shit on your butts...Oh and my brother would love to join, i believe you know him. Rylee Stevenson," she says with a smile as the boys step back a little. Zack smirks and swings his arm back around Layla's shoulder.
"Please, Rylee isn't always going to be here to watch your backs.... But i can assure you Bieber, you better watch your back, and your pretty little girlfriends because she is the top of our to do list right now," Andrew says as the boys walk away. Justin goes to grab one by the shirt but i pull him back.
"Don't even think about it!" i say to him as we walk into the school.
"I swear to God if they lay a finger on you i will kill them," Justin says calming down a little as i kiss his hand when we stop by my locker.
"Hey, they are idiots! Things will be fine, besides we are in school, they can't do anything here with all the people and teachers," i say grabbing my books and closing my locker. Justin shrugs as he walks me to my first hour which i have with Layla, thank goodness.
"I will see you after class," Justin says kissing me before walking down the hall to go to his class. I smile and walk into my math class where Layla is already seated in the back waiting for me. I take a seat and let out a breath i didn't know i was holding.
"Why do you think they transferred here?" Layla asked as we wait for class to start.
"We both know why they came here. We just need to watch our backs i guess," I say as a sub walks in, looks like it will be a free hour.
"Yeah but it is making Justin and even Zack want to go crazy. I don't like this, i have a bad feeling about all this," she say in a worried tone. She was right though, i was worried too, like i can feel something is going to happen, something is bond to happen.
Half way through class the class room door flies open and in walks Kyle. He says something abot being new and not knowing where his classes was to the sub and looks around. When his eyes land on Layla and me he smirks and takes a seat right next to us, right next to Layla to be exact.
"Ladies," He says in a greeting tone, but we both know he wants something, and we both know he isn't getting any of it.
"Idiot," Layla greets back in a sweet sarcastic tone. Kyle glares at her and turns toward us to bother us more i guess.
"I like a challenge, it makes things more fun on our part," he says leaning closer which makes Layla look at him with the death look.
"Come five more inches and i will nail your legs to that seat and staple that pretty little face of yours kid," Layla says in a threatening tone which makes me laugh and Kyle look a little taken back that a tiny girl like that could have so much anger in her.
"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," He says leaning back in his desk.
"No, somebody is pissed that you tried sexually assulting my friend once, beat the crap out of my friends, and then tried drownding my friend again....Now i don't know about you, but yeah that could make a person a little pissed off and wanting to murder you and your idiot friends," she says with a smile that is screaming sweet and innocent but we all know she is ready to kill. Kyle laughs and shakes his head.
"Don't start games you can't finish then sweetheart. Justin started this back in that alley, your friend over there was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and is now part of it, which makes you part of it," he says making me laugh.
"You know crap Kyle. Andrew and Spencer pretty much run your group from what i can tell. You are simply just there as an extra person to them...They aren't your friends," i say knowing from experience they don't like him. Kyle just laughs and looks at me.
"Stop talking, you don't know anything. From what i hear from the hot Blonde i met, you are a freak here, i know about your problems, your daddy issues. I know more than you think i do babe," he says making me freeze. How could he know all this, i know for a fact Maddie doesn't know all that crap.
"Fight in the hall!" some kid shouts who was passing out door. Layla and i look at each other and see Kyle smile.
"I told them to wait at least a week before this," he says shaking his head in amusement. Right away i know who is in a fight and Layla and I quickly make our way through the crowded halls just as someone gets slammed into a locker and to the floor.

Hold Tight (A Justin Bieber Love Story) ((BEING EDITED))
FanfictionMeet Jessica Hernandez, she is your typical outcast at school. Her classmates bully her, and put her down. But what they don't know is what else is going on in her life, a part of her that she hide each and everyday. She has become a master at hidin...