It has been almost three weeks having the twins home, and it hasn't been easy let me tell you. Cassidy is a night owl and loves to play and move around at night, while Colton on the other hand sleeps like a rock. They are both making cute little noises now, it's adorable the way to talk to each other and laugh. They aren't even a month old and they have both Justin and me wrapped around their tiny fingers.
"Are you sure about this?" I asked Justin as I handed Cassidy to Layla who was now very pregnant herself and was die in about four weeks.
"Jess, you need this... Layla and i have it under control," Zach says as he rocks Colton just as Justin walks in. He smiles at me and walks over.
"Alrigth, you have the numbers if anything goes wrong?" I said handing them the list of contacts making them both laugh.
"Jess, come on," Justin says as he pulls me along. I stop and kiss each of my babies on the head and look at Layla and Zach.
"You better take care of them with your life," i warn them making them look nervous. Justin takes my arm and pulls me out as we walk to the car.
"Relax, they got this...Besides, they need to learn to take care of kids since they got one coming any day now," he jokes as he opens my door. I step in and wait for him to get in. Minutes later we are off.
"Where are we going?" I asked as i watched the town pass us as we drove down the back roads. I look over and Justin is smiling.
"It's a surprise," nhe says while holding my hand with his free one. I sigh, there was no way he was going to break down and tell me, might as well enjoy the peace.
It seemed like we were driving for hours until the car finally came to a stop. I looked around and realized we were in the woods.
"Ummm, are we lost?" I asked as i watched him walk around to my side and open the door.
"Come on," he says holding out his hand. I take it and he leads me to a path. I stop in my tracks as i look down the dark path way.
"Justin--" I am cut off by a ton of little lights lighting up the path way, it looked like Christmas. I gasped in amazment at the beautiful sight before me before looking back to Justin, only he wasn't there but there was a note on the tree. I grabbed it and opened it,
"I know you are afraid of dark paths, follow the lights my princess,"
I smiled and tucked the note in my back pocket and slowly started down the beauitfully lite path. I smiled as i walked down it, every few feet was a picture hanging from tree's of Justin, our friends, and me. I grabbed one and seen there was writing on the back of it."Remember this day? Prom, we got all dressed up and decent, and you...You were a heart stopped, the most beautiful girl in the room. I remember watching you walk down those stairs and i couldn't breath, you took my breath away, scars and all. I will never forget this night, you changed my while world, having the worlds prettiest girl is an honor and privledge....Now, don't stop babe, there's much more ;)'
I smiled as a few happy tears escaped my eyes. I let go of the picture and kept going, the lights turned to candles and rose petals on the ground. I smiled and picked up a full Pink rose with a note attached to it.
"One of the most outstanding, elegant, wonderful, perfect, and beautiful flowers the world has to offer, but not to me. To me all those things are you. You are my own little piece of paradise. Take this rose, i will love you until it loses it's last petal <3'
I took the note off and put it in my back pocket with the others, then felt the rose petals, they were fake. I smiled as i knew what he meant now. I held the rose to my heart as i followed the candles. I got to a point where the candles made an arrow pointing to a larger picture pinned to a rock. I walked closer and covered my mouth as tears of pure joy fell. It was a picture of Justin, the twins, and me all asleep on the bed, one of the boys or Layla or Cara much has taken it when we were alseep. It was amazing, i was holding justins hand while also habing Colton snuggled close to me, Cassidy had her tiny hand wrapped around one of Justin's fingers on his free hand and we were all close. I picked up the note next to it,
'I guess the best moments are the ones not seen, but good thing we have friends like Kyle to help us capture them (PS thank him because he is braging about it) now hurry up, you're almost there,'
I laugh and turn around only to be shocked by a beautiful sight. Justin stood at the edge of what looked like a cliff, with a smile on his face and lights all around a blanket with a basket on it. I smiled and walked over to him.
"You did all this?" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and leans his head on mine.
"With a little help from the boys...You deserve it," he whispers as he brings his lips to mine. I smile and kiss him before pulling away and looking around.
"This seriously is amazing, and way to much. You didn't have to go through all this trouble," i say still shocked.
"Yes i did, nothing but the best for my girl," he says as we sit down and he pulls out chocolate covered stawberries. I smiled and took one and took a bite, closing my eyes, taking in the sweet sensation.
"Alright now the night is perfect,' i said making him laugh.
"Not yet... Do you know what tonight is?" he asked as he laid back and looked at the sky. I laid down with my head on his stomach and looked up as well.
"No, why?" i asked looking at all the stars, then i noticed one moving, it's tale was bright and amzing.
"Every 50 years there is a famous shouting star show, it's rare to see because normally this time of year is rainy, but this year they said it was going to be the best show yet. And we got the best seats in the house," he says playing with my hair. I was captivsted by the show in the sky, it was amazing and beautiful.
"I don't know how you are ever going to top this date," i tease making him laugh, the vibration i felt from it was music to my years. I smiled and relaxed for the first time since i became pregnant. I wish this was forever, to be with him and have this family.
An hour later and the show had ended but we still stay laid in the same spot, with Justin playing with my hair and me playing with his hair as well. I felt my phone go off and groaned, i decided to ignore it for the first time ever i didn't care about the outside world right now. Justin smiled but then frowned when his phone went off. I groaned, honestly who could it be? Then after his phone went silent mine rang again, sighing i picked up.
"Dad, what's up?" i say as Justin still plays with my hair with his eyes closed. I bolt up right at the next words over the phone.
"WHAT?" i shout as i drop the phone in shock.

Hold Tight (A Justin Bieber Love Story) ((BEING EDITED))
FanfictionMeet Jessica Hernandez, she is your typical outcast at school. Her classmates bully her, and put her down. But what they don't know is what else is going on in her life, a part of her that she hide each and everyday. She has become a master at hidin...