Part 1

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Worthless, brat, slut, monster,asshole. I've been called it all, I suppose I should be used to it, but I'm not. My heart yearns for someone to accept me, for someone to love me. My family sure doesn't, they torture me everyday, treat me like a slave. No worse then a slave, way worse. I've been alive for 4 years and 3 of them I've been a slave. 3 years, 3 fucking years. I'd get beat if I talked, I would get beat if I didn't clean, dress my family, shop or got up late. I'd even get beat just for fun, that's what I do in my spare time, get beaten by all my brothers and sisters and parents. Even the villagers in my town. My clothes were just old beaten up rags that had a tare here and there, but mostly dirty. I had blue-green hair and bright green eyes, although I only see them through cracked shards of glass in my room. My room is the attic, it's full of dust, old things and mice. I sleep on straw and use a tarp that I found to stay warm at night, it's filled with blood like most of my other stained clothes. The Kohaki clan is known to be nice, caring and generous yet ruthful and deadly in battle. They have certain characteristics that allow you to tell what clan they apart of, they have midnight black hair, black eyes, porcelain doll like skin and every single Kohaki has their very own symbol above their eye. My sister Kali has a ♦️'right above her eye, while my brother Nakoro has a lightening bolt. Depending on what skill level you were as a Shinobi and how many stages of the Kekki genkai 'toro' you unlocked your tattoo will change. My 17 year old sister Kali is jonin level and has 3 stages unlocked, her tattoo is red. 18 year old Nakoro is a special enforcement level his lightening bolt is pure electricity and he has lightening bolts tracing his fingers along with a small ➰ under his lip to symbolize he's at stage 10 for our kenkai genkai. Me? I'm a level 0, the worst of the worst. My tattoo is a ⚜️ But it's on my cheek, if you couldn't tell already I'm different. I'm a demon, I have an actual demon sealed inside me. His name is Gahki, he's pretty nice and keeps me company. How do I know this? I met him while I was passed out and he told me about him, we have this connection that no one else knows or will ever have. Gahki has the same features as me, we could be mistaken as twins, I guess it's because he's sealed in me I'm treated the way I am. I just wish my life will change.

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