Part 6

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It was 5am, Chika's body ached all over, she had a nice sleep sure and was content. In her dreams she remembered the feeling she got when she was killing. It made her feel alive, it felt absolutely fantastic. She cuddled into her pillow a little more, Gahki had gone once she fell asleep and was sound asleep in his own bed. . In her head. 

"Shh, she's sleeping," Asuma said quietly leading a group of people up the stairs. He carefully opened up the door and they all walked in. 

"She's so cute!" The red eyed girl said.  Everyone agreed. Asuma walked up to her and softly picked her up, Chika stirred a little and tiredly glanced up at Asuma. 

"Sorry I didn't wake up on time, I'll go make breakfast." Chika said tiredly her eyes shutting a little. Asuma let out a little laugh. 

"You don't need to make breakfast, some of my friends are here to meet you." Asuma said his eyes softening with each word he said. Just by looking at them anyone could tell that Asuma already had a soft spot for Chika. Chika nodded and sat up, she crawled off of his lap and went up to his friends. 

"I'm Chika," she said cutely cocking her head. 

"Awe you're so cute!" The red eyed girl said picking her up and spinning her around. For some reason Chika felt like she could trust everyone here. Maybe she finally found her home, a place where she belongs. 

"I'm Kurenai, this is Kakashi, Anko, Gai and Iruka." She introduced. "How old are you?" She asked catching Asuma's attention. 

"Come to think of it, I don't even know how old you are," Asuma said light heartedly. 

"I'm four," she said, rubbing circles on the ground with her foot.  They all smiled. 

Chika was in the bathroom getting ready for the day, she was still adjusting to her new life. Looking in the mirror she saw something she didn't expect, her eyes turned purple. She cautiously touched her face, then the mirror. Her eyes soften. 

"Family," she whispered. 

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