Part 36

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*Third person pov* 

The day came where Shikamaru had to go to the Chunin exams; well everyone really.  Chika was all alone, she was outside sitting alone under a purple wiseria tree. It was hers and Itachi's spot. No one knew about it, only her and him. There were a couple of them around the spot, the grass was a dark beautiful shade of green. The water was so clear you could see the bottom, it was a mini lake. Under the tree Chika was crying softly, she knew she was weak and she hated it. 

"Hey, isn't that the bitch Itachi saved un?" A blonde man said looking at the girl under the tree. The person next to him looked in the direction he was looking. 

"Yes, indeed it is." The red head inside the puppet stated. 

"I'm going to go talk to her un," the blonde stated as he ran away. 

"No, wait. Grr," the red head replied with a glare. The blonde ran up to the girl. 

"Hi un," the blonde stated. Chika jumped slightly and looked at him, her eyes widen and she wiped her tears.  The blonde's eyes sadden for a second.  "Why were you crying hmm?" 

"Huh?" Chika asked. "Oh I wasn't, I just. . . . Had dirt in my eye, yeah. Dirt." Chika lied.

"Obviously the brat's lying." The red head said coming up.  The blonde lightly glared at the man. 

"I'm Deidara, and that's Sasori un." Deidara the blonde said. Chika smiled and patted the ground inviting them to sit. 

"I'm Chika," she softly said. Deidara sat down beside her.

"Care to tell us why you were crying un?" Deidara asked, he had no clue why he was being nice to her. He just felt a bond to her.  

"Well, I guess. . . It won't do any harm. Well you see everyone in the village seems to hate me and think I'm weak.  The person I've known almost all my life treats me like crap, my team treats me like crap and even my sensei. My sensei recommended my team for the chunin exams, but didn't tell me. . . Obviously he didn't want me to represent him or the village. None of them understand what I've been through, nor seem to care. Sometimes I think they'd be better off without me." Chika confessed bringing her knees into her chest, both Sasori and Deidara looked at her with sad eyes. 

"Do you. . . Hate them?" Sasori asked genuinely curious. 

"No, I don't. . . How could I, I mean they are my comrades."  Chika responded looking at the two. The wind blew by once more and a couple leaves blew by.  After a moment of silence Chika spoke up. "Say, Deidara-kun, Sasori-kun. . . Would you guys, want to . . . Be my friends?" She asked. "You don't have to if you don't want to, I'll understand." She added quickly. 

"Sure un," Deidara responded, Sasori grunted and she took it as a yes. Chika smiled. 

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