Part 3

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It was pitch black as I left the village, I had no clue where I was going and I didn't care. It seemed like forever I walked on a pathway, taking random directions and eating what ever Gahki caught. It's been 2 days since I left my village, surprisingly I haven't gotten attacked yet. 

'Hey kid.' Gahki said. 

'Yea?' I asked back. 

'Turn left here and walk about 100m straight and then take a right.' Gahki ordered, I did as he ordered and turned left out of the brush. I walked roughly one hundred meters and then took a right, after a couple of minutes I heard the bustle of a town. I froze in my spot. 

'Gahki??' I asked terrified. 

'Relax, this is the leaf village. I promise you will be treated generously.' Gahki replied, taking a gulp I nodded. I began to walk again, my feet slowing down with each step I took. Taking Teddy out of my bag I grip him close as I approach big gates. I begin to walk in when I notice to guards sleeping, I start sweating nervously and timidly walked up to them. Tapping the desk gently I tried to wake them up. I tapped the guy with bandages on his nose's head and he stirred a little, with one last gulp I whacked him on the head with my Teddy and sure enough he woke up. He yelled and fell off his chair causing a chain reaction with his partner. Gahki was laughing his ass off, deciding to block him out I put a mind barrier up. 

"Who're you?" The guy questioned. 

"Looks like a kid Izumo," the other one said. 

"No duh, what's your name state your business here!" He demanded. I didn't speak, I just stare. Blinking a couple times I hold my Teddy close. 

"Maybe she can't speak?" The other suggested. 

"Maybe," Izumo I'm pretty sure replied, he the new turned his head towards me.  "Koetsu here will take you to the hokage, alright?"  I nodded, Koetsu started walking over to me.

'What's he doing?' I asked myself, he took another step in which I backed up. 'What's he doing?!' I asked freaking out. Tears threatened to leak from my eyes. 

"Koetsu your scaring her," Izumo said grabbing him by the shoulder causing him to stop in his tracks. 

"Oh, sorry" he replied sheepishly. "I was just going to transport us to the hokage." I looked at his wearily as he came closer again, eyeing him up and down. "Don't worry." He reassured. He then touched me and I flinched. Poof 

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