Part 16

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Chika and Sasuke were at the academy, Chika was sitting far from Sasuke because his fangirls well are scary. So she ended up sitting beside a sleeping boy will pineapple hair. 

"U-uhm" Chika said softly poking his cheek, the boy didn't nudge. "E-excuse me?" Chika said a little louder but still softly. The boy poked his eye open.

"What do you want?" He asked groaning closing his eyes again. 

"D-do you know w-what the test is about?" Chika said shyly blushing. 

"Clone jutsu, jeez what a drag," he muttered. "Troublesome woman." Chika started tearing up, she hiccuped a little. The boy opened his eye and saw her softly crying.  He started freaking out. "A-Ah, sorry I d-didn't mean to make you cry." He started freaking out, Chika kept on crying hiccuping.

"Jeez Shikamaru," the plump man beside him said. "Are you alright?" The guy asked Chika. Chika continued crying but nodded.  "You don't seem alright." He looked down sadly and then offered her a chip.  "Here, take it." Shikamaru's eyes widen. 

"T-thanks, you seem n-nice. What's *hiccup* your name?" Chika asked wiping her tears. 

"I'm Choji Akimichi, the one who made you cry was Shikamaru Nara." He said. 

"I'm Chika, it's nice to meet you," she said softly. She ruffled through her bag and found a bag of chips and gave it to Choji. His eyes widen. "Thanks for comforting me." 

"You're welcome!" He cheered. 

"Hey, I'm really sorry about making you cry. . ." Shikamaru apologized blushing a little. 

"It's alright, it was my fault." Chika said softly. 

"How was it your fault?" Shikamaru asked. 

"It just is," she whispered. "H-Hey Shikamaru?" 

"Hm?" He asked lying back lazily.

"C-can we be friends?" Chika asked. 

"Sure," he replied. 

"Any friend of Shikamaru's is mine too! Welcome to the group Chika!" Choji said, I smiled softly. "Thanks."

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