Part 7

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Asuma and Chika walked around the town browsing and shopping for many necessities. With each step they took Chika stare at each store with pure curiousity. Asuma glanced at Chika with loving eyes, even though he was still just barely an adult he felt like he needed to protect her.  Smiling gently at Chika's wondering eyes he takes her hand in his causing her to jump a little. Chika looked at him with curious eyes once again and smiled a cute little smile, she started skipping. Asuma led her into a store with many different clothing; it was a shinobi store where the sold only the best high quality shinobi gear for all ages. Leading her over to the kid section he told her to go look for some clothes she liked. Chika stare at Asuma confused and in gratitude. 

"Really? I mean I don't want to trouble you,"Chika's small voice said. Asuma smiled.

"I mean it, go pick something you like," Asuma said. Chika nodded and flashed him a million dollar smile that could melt the hearts of anyone. Chika went in one of the ailes and there she saw the perfect outfit for her. Sure it was old fashioned but she still loved it, taking the dress off the rack she walked over to Asuma and showed him it. 

"I like this one," she said. 

"You sure?" Asuma asked eyeing her outfit choice. (it's the dress she's wearing in the cover of the book) 

"I'm sure," Chika said. Asuma picked out a couple more outfits for her and they walked to the front where the cashier wait. After they paid they both went back to Asuma's house and there Asuma started preparing her room. Chika was trying to move a big dusty drawer and failing. Chuckling Chika turned her attention over to Asuma and pouted. 

"What?" She asked in a pouty voice. Asuma chuckled a bit more. 

"Nothing, nothing," Asuma brushed off. Chika looked at him intently with a cute pout, Asuma couldn't help but smile every time he saw her.  "Why don't you go out and explore the village." He suggested. 

"What?" Chika said surprised. "Really?" 

"Yea," Asuma said. "Just be back by 7 alright?" He added.

"Alright!" Chika chirped, she ran out of the room and down the stairs, running past the couch she made it to the front door. She slipped on her shoes and grabbed the keys on a near by table, stepping out the door she made sure to lock it. She walked down many roads, people waved at her and smiled which she returned. She was lost in thought as she walked. Boom, she crashed into someone.  "Oh, I'm sorry," she said as she bowed and looked up. The man nodded. "What's your name?" 

"Itachi, Itachi Uchiha," he introduced.  

"I'm Chika!" Chika introduced brightly. "Sorry for bumping into you, do you wanna go get some dango with me?" She asked. Itachi nodded and Chika grinned, she grabbed Itachi's hand and started skipping towards the shop where she previously had dango with Asuma. They entered the store and the bell rang, all eyes turned towards them. 

"Itachi-kunnn," A hoard of girls screamed, they all looked at poor confused Chika and squealed. They all ran up to him. Itachi this, Itachi that. It was annoying Chika, she just wanted dango not a hoard of banshee's. 

"Stop!" She yelled her cute voice ringing through the resturant.  "Me and Itachi are here to get dango's so move it!" She yelled pushing through the girls and dragging Itachi behind her. 

"And who're you to steal my Itachi-kun?" A fangirl asked. Chika turned back with the most murderous look ever; it was enough to make the poor Uchiha scared. 

"I. Just. Want. Dango's." She said dangerously slow. "Now I suggest you leave before I kill you." She said cocking her head giving off the most insane dangerous look ever, Itachi looked genuinely scared of her. Screaming the fangirls ran away. "And that's how you do it!" She said flashing a grin and giving Itachi a peace sign. Itachi let out a sigh of relief and a barely there smile, they walked up to the counter and got some dango's. It was now night time and Itachi and her were walking down the road. 

"Hey Itachi?" Chika said breaking the silence. 

"Hm?" He asked.  Chika sweat dropped, she put her arms up in an 'up' motion. Getting the que he picked her up and placed her on his hip. Chika squeezed Itachi's face and squished it in different directions. Making him smile using her fingers. 

"You should smile more," she said letting go of his face. Itachi chuckled and Chika cuddled into him. It was silent, it wasn't awkward but it was comfortable. Chika yawned and began to close her eyes. "Hey Itachi?" She said catching his attention. "You're my new best friend, I hope you'll consider me one too." She said making his eyes widen. Itachi let out a smile. it was then he noticed that she was asleep. Not wanting to wake the four year old up he brought her back to the Uchiha compound. 

"Itachi, who's this?" His father Fugaku asked coldly. 

"Chika, she'll be staying here for the night," Itachi said. 

"How old is she?" Mikoto his mother asked. 

"A little younger then Sasuke," he said. Sasuke was 5 and Chika was 4 turning 5 tomorrow, of course Itachi new that; they were close now. 

"Hn," Fugaku said. Itachi brought her upstairs and put her in the guest room. There she lay peacefully asleep.

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