Part 17

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Chika, Shikamaru and Choji were walking around town. Chika had a blush on her face as they walked around. Everyone was staring intently at her as they walked, she shrank and stumbled a little. Shikamaru caught her.

"You okay?" He asked. Chika blushed a little more. 

"Y-yea," she whispered. 

"Good," he said, Shikamaru then held her hand as they walked. 

"FOOD!" Choji yelled as he saw a food stand, laughing a little Chika bought all of them some candy. 

"Were you in the village before? You and Sasuke seem very close," Shikamaru asked. Chika looked down and nodded, the two boys looked at her confusedly.  "I knew Sasuke through his older brother, we became best friends and we'd hang out everyday. I was apart of their family, I'd call his dad, dad and his mom, mom. His brother brother. One night I went home and I got kidnapped," she whispered. 

"What happened after?" Shikamaru asked. 

"I have to go home, my moms making food." Choji said. 

"Bye Choji." They both said. They walked a little more and laid down on a hill. 

"I was tortured, experimented on and raped." Chika whispered looking up. Shikamaru's eyes widen. "I was saved by my older brother Itachi, and brought back here." 

"Oh, I'm sorry," Shikamaru whispered, he looked up at the clouds. "Here, I promise I'll always protect you. It'll be a drag, but your not so troublesome." Shikamaru said blushing. Chika beamed. 

"Really?!" Chika asked.  Shikamaru nodded, a silence took over them until Shikamaru broke it. 

"Uhm, can you tell me more about your past?" He asked. She nodded. 

"Back then, I wasn't like I am now. I was open, kind and loud. I was like Naruto, minus the idiot." She whispered. 

"Why can't you go back to that?" Shikamaru asked thoughtfully.

"With great pain comes greater change. It'll take time, but I'll try." Chika said smiling. 

"I'll help, every step of the way. It'll be a lot of work and very troublesome, but you're my friend." Shikamaru smiled.  Chika flashed him a million dollar smile like she did when she was younger. Shikamaru had a flash back. 

*His flashback* 

"Sasu!" He heard someone yell, he saw Sasuke and a really pretty girl hug. They talked and laughed, he saw her million dollar smile and fell in love.  Unfortunately he never saw her again. 

*Flashback end* 

His eyes widen, and they hugged. 

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