Part 18

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Tomorrow was the graduation test, the clone jutsu. Chika new this and after her and Shikamaru parted she went and started to train. She had it down pat; she missed Itachi and was wondering why he wasn't in the village anymore. Sweat rolled down her forehead, she wiped it and went home to Asuma. He was there on the couch drinking with some of his friends, she remembered them. 

"U-uhm,d-dad?" Chika said softly as she hid behind a wall. Everyone stopped talking and looked over at Chika who wsa hiding behind a wall peaking her head out. 

"Yes?" He asked as he motioned her to come. She walked over to him and had a blush on her face, she looked down as she walked.  

"I'm weak," she whispered. 

"No you aren't," Asuma said. "You've been in solitude for years, of course you aren't as strong as everyone else." Chika looked down. 

"I know," she whispered. "I'll let you hang out with you're friends. I'm going out."  Chika walked out of the house. Asuma looked at her with worryful and sad eyes.

"She's grown," Kurenai said softly. Asuma nodded. 

"How did she get to the village?" Kakashi asked. 

"The hokage told me she was found in the hospital, someone brought her." Asuma replied. 

*With Chika* 

She walked to Sasuke's house, it was surrounded by fangirls screaming out his name. She sighed and began to walk to the left where there was an underground tunnel only known by Sasuke's family. She jumped down and walked through the old dirty tunnels, filled with cobwebs and spiders. Seeing the exit she climbed up the latter and banged on the trap door three times before it opened. She walked in and was in Sasuke's room. Right as she got up Sasuke walked in eating a tomato.

"What're you doing in here?" Sasuke asked. 

"I came to see you silly Suke," Chika giggled, as soon as she realized what she did she blushed. "So-" she began to apologize. She was cut off by Sasuke hugging her tightly. 

"Don't apologize," he whispered. "Chi, you're turning  back into your old self." 

"Is that bad?" Chika whispered hugging back. 

"No, I always want you to be yourself around me." He said, he let go and had his arms on her shoulders. "After all, we're family." Chika smiled brightly, left the room and came back with a box of tomatos. 

"Shall we?" Chika asked with a smirk.

"We shall," Sasuke replied.  They started throwing tomato's at the fangirls below. They were screaming. Sasuke smiled genuinely, as he can only do so around Chika.

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