Part 34

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*Gaara's pov*

'Both Sasuke Uchiha and that blonde idiots first friend. . . And they treated her like. .  Like that?' Gaara thought, his eyes harden. 'They didn't stop what that pinkie was saying to her. They aren't suited to be her friend. If I had one I'd-no. I don't have friends. . . I'm a. . . A monster.' I thought as I walked around town with my team.

"U-Uhm, G-Gaara?"  Kankuro said snapping me out of my gaze, I looked towards him coldly.  "C-could you u-uhm not let so m-uch murderous intent leak. . . I-It's more then usu-ual." He stuttered in fear.  I didn't notice I was letting so much intent leak, I looked around everyone was cowering in fear. I stopped and they went on with their business.  

'I need to kill someone.' I thought. 

"I'm leaving." I stated before I took off. I appeared somewhere in the forest, and started walking. That was until I felt someone bump into me once more. 

'Why isn't my sand protecting me?' I thought. I looked down and saw that girl. . . Chika? I think, from earlier. She looked up at me. 

"Sorry," she said, she got up and dusted herself off.  "I wasn't paying attention again." I looked at her and blinked. "I'm Chika." She said as she held her hand out, I looked at it, then up to her. 

'What's this? Do I rip it off?' I asked myself.

'Do it, rip it off' Shukaku said.  I ignored him and put a mind barrier up.  Her eyes sadden for a moment. 

"Oh, I uh guess you don't want to shake my hand."  She said, I looked at her confused. As fast as it was there, it was gone. She seemed to see it, crap.  "Have you . .  Ever shaken a hand?"

"No," I replied coldly.  Her hand reached out for me, my sand did nothing. She grabbed my hand and I shivered at the touch and went wide eyed.  She shook my hand up and down. 

"That's called a handshake, people usually do this when they meet someone." She smiled.  "What's your name?"

"Gaara, Gaara of the Desert." I said monotone. She smiled. 

"It's nice to meet you Gaara. Do you, want to be my friend?" She asked. 

"Friend?" I replied. 

"Yeah, I mean. . . My other supposed friends don't like me to much. . . And you seem nice. So I thought maybe we could become friends. . . If you don't want to, I get it."  She said sadly. 

"I'm a monster," I replied. "Monsters don't have friends." She took my hand in hers once more. 

"Well, now you do." She smiled, a small smile crossed my mouth. "You don't seem like a monster to me."

'If only you knew.' I thought. 

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