Part 21

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I began to walk out of the building with Sasuke, we were talking about random stuff.

"H-Hey Sasuke-kun? Do you want to eat lunch together-I mean since we're on the same team togeth-" Sakura began to ask. 

"Hn," Sasuke replied, he began to walk off but grabbed my hand and dragged me off with him. In the distance all I could see was Sakura glaring at me, Naruto walk up to her and her walk away. 'She's rude.'   I thought. Sasuke dragged me into an isolated building, as I looked around I spotted Ino, Shikamaru and Choji. I smiled, Ino was glaring at me though. Shikamaru didn't even notice me, Sasuke was in the back getting something. 

"Hey Shika! Choji!" I yelled waving from the building, I leaned over to far and began to fall.

*Shikamaru's pov* 

"Hey Shika! Choji!" I heard someone yell, I looked towards the voice and saw it was Chika. She was smiling and waving, I lightly smiled. 

"Hey!" I yelled back. 

"You 3 a team?" She asked this time cupping her mouth. 

"Yeah!" I yelled back. 

"Choji!" She yelled, Choji jumped and looked at her. She started leaning to far and began to fall out of the window. 

"Chika!" I yelled as I jumped up. Ino snickered. All of a sudden I saw a pair of arms grab her and pull her into him. It was Sasuke, I let out a breath of relief. 

"WHAT?!" Ino yelled. Chika and Sasuke seemed like they were talking, he had her protectively against her chest and she was looking up at him. I glared. 'Mine.' I thought. 'Wait, why am I thinking this?' I thought.

"What a drag." I said aloud.  Ino looked like she was fuming and was about to murder someone. I sighed.

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