Part 27

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Chika gasped and shot up in her sleep. 'Another nightmare.' She thought panting, she wiped the sweat off her face and sighed. Looking around the room she had no clue where she was.  'The last I remember is walking as a group and protecting Tazuna. Maybe I'm at his house.' She thought, she got up and felt something silky on her feet. She looked down. 'A nightgown?' She wondered. It was a pure white silk night gown that went down to her feet. She blushed. 'Who changed me?' She thought, she walked up to the door and opened it quietly. To the left she spotted a hallway, she went that way and traveled down the hallway.  Her stomach rumbled.

"Might as well find the kitchen," she whispered, she decided to open the first door she saw. Luckily it was the kitchen, she grabbed an apple and happily munched on it. 

Once she was done Chika decided to look around more, so she opened the door and took a couple steps. Decorated on the walls were paintings and swords, one picture in particular caught her attention. It was a picture of tiny Haku and Zabuza holding him on his shoulders. 

"You're up?" She heard a voice say, she jumped and let out a little yelp and quickly whipped around.  She looked at him confused. 

"Who are you?" She asked softly. 

"I'm Haku, please follow me." He said, Chika nodded and began to follow him. 

"I'm Chika, uhm where are we?" She asked. 

"At Zabuza's house." He replied, he then opened a door. "Zabuza would like to talk to you." He said softly.

"O-alright," she mumbled, she walked in the door and looked back at Haku. He smiled and nodded, she sighed and stepped fully in. The sound of the door closing causing her to jump.

"Who is it?" Zabuza's stern voice said. Chika's soul just about flew out of her body. 

"C-Chika," she said, he turned around and looked at her. 

"Come." He said, she nodded and sat beside him. "I have a question for you." He stated.  Chika nodded. "When I looked at you, you looked like you were ready for death and that you'd prefer it. Like there's nothing worth living for, and you have already experienced all the hurt you can handle. . .Why?"  He glared. 

"U-Uhm, I guess I had a b-bad past." She whispered. 

"Everyone has had a bad past," he glared, this peaked Chika's interest. She knew everyone did, but hearing him say it and have meaning behind it. . . Just. Well made her want to know his past. 

"What happened in your past?" She asked curiously.  Zabuza glared harder. 

"Why do you want to know brat?" He asked harshly. 

"I guess I'm just curious, hmm." She smiled cutely. Zabuza blushed and then cleared his throat, he then began to tell her his past.  "I'm so sorry," she said after he told her.

"Why are you sorry?" He asked.  She shrugged. 

"I just am." She whispered.

"What about you?" Haku asked appearing out of no where. He had been listening in on tghe whole conversation.

"KYA!" Chika screamed falling over.   

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." Haku said helping her up. 

"Uhm, it's alright." Chika said. 

"So what about you?" Haku asked. 

"Huh?" Chika replied.

"Your past." Zabuza clarified. 

"O-Oh. Well up to age 4 I was treated like a slave-no worse then a slave by my family and my villagers. I guess it was because I was born different. I then w-well I kind of poisoned them and murdered them, then set them on fire and left.  I ended up in the leaf village but was kidnapped by a guy who called himself Orochimaru, who brought me somewhere and experimented on me." Chika said. 

"So your an experiment of that snakes?" Zabuza asked, she nodded sadly. "How old are you kid?" 

"12." She whispered.  Their eyes widen. 

'Wow, she's been through so much already and yet she continues to smile. Now that's the definition of strong.' He thought. 

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