Part 38

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*Third person pov* 

Chika stare at the bodies she killed ahead of her, her black eyes turned back into purple.  She took a sharp breath in and looked down at her hands, they were full of blood. Her vision started to get blurry,  it looked like there was more then two hands. She was struggling to focus and stay awake. More tears streamed down her face as she collapsed onto her knees, she leaned forward so that her hands were touching the ground and her knees were still on the ground, she gripped the grass hardly and sniffled. She shook her head and got back up shakily, she took one step and collapsed passing out. As she fell to the ground Itachi appeared and caught her. 

"Chika. . . Just what, what happened?" He whispered. He hoisted her up into his arms and carried her bridle style, her head resting against his chest. He climbed up the ledge of the cliff using chakra, once he was at the top he looked at everyone and everyone looked back. 

"Please," he asked using emotion for surprising everyone once more. "I don't know what happened to her, all I know is she needs me more now then ever." He turned towards the person he called leader.  "Leader-sama, she has amazing powers that with our help can be unlocked. She can be trained to be an amazing shinobi, a formidable foe and a use of the Akatsuki."  The leader slightly glanced over at Tobi and he slightly nodded. Pein looked Itachi in the eye. 

"She will join the Akatsuki, everyone will pitch in to train her. My decision is final." He said as he walked away. 

"Yay! Tobi get's another friend! I hope she likes sweets!" He giggled as he spun around confetti spraying everywhere. 

"This will be fun un," Deidara smirked, Sasori smirked and nodded. 

"I'll sacrifi-" Hidan began to yell, he was inturuppted by Itachi kicking him, Deidara throwing a bomb at him, Sasori poisoning him and bashing him against the ground, then Tobi smacking him with a huge lollipop. 

"Like hell you will," Sasori sneered. Kakazu looked at his partner who was laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood. 

"Kakazu, be a sport and attach my head back to my neck." Hidan said. The other members began walking back into the base. 

"Touch that girl, and everyone will kill you." Kakazu stated as he looked down at Hidan, he began walking away. 

"Hey! Don't leave me here!" Hidan yelled a tick mark on his head. "Grr. Fuck, come here."  His body got up and started to walk around looking for his head.   "Over here Idiot!" The head passed him by an inch. "No to your left. No, that's right dumbass." He growled, the head turned and kicked his head.   "Ouch!" Hidan yelled, the body of Hidan ran after his head with it's arms out, but his feet were to big and every time he got close he'd kick his head further.  "FUCK! JUST CRAWL TO ME!" Hidan yelled. 

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