Part 37

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*Third person pov* 

"Man we passed that exam so easily!" Naruto yelled fist pumping the air and chuckling like a child. Sasuke was smirking and Sakura was smiling.  "I can't wait until the second exam, believe it. We'll definitely be chunins."

"Yea," Sakura smiled gaining more confidence. The three of them walked talking about the exams.  

"Hey guys, what're you talking about?" Chika asked coming up to them, they immediately stopped talking and looked at her. 

"Nothing," Sakura sneered, Chika looked down sadly but looked up and glanced at Sasuke who only turned away from her. She then looked at Naruto who did the same, Sakura smirked.  

"O-oh, okay." Chika whispered. "Do you guys want to go get ramen?" She asked. Naruto's eyes lit up, but Sakura elbowed him before he could say anything. 

"Yeah, let's go." She answered, they all started walking. Chika smiled and started to walk with them, Sakura stopped as did everyone else. 

"Oh, did you think I was talking to you?" Sakura asked. 

"I, it was my idea to go." Chika said looking at her. 

"You're not coming, it's for team members only."  Sakura sneered, she pushed Chika away and walked off with the two boys following.  Chika looked down and took a sharp breath in trying not to cry, up ahead she saw Kakashi-sensei. 

"Kakashi-sensei!" Chika yelled as she ran up to him, Kakashi looked at her stiffened then looked for an escape; but alas couldn't find one. He sighed. 

"What," he demanded. 

"Do you want to go get some dango's with me?" She asked smiling. 

"I'm busy," he said and walked away. Chika looked down as he walked away. 

"Oh, okay." She whispered, she walked through the town alone. Kicking the odd pebble in her way.  Up ahead she saw Shikamaru and his team.  "Hey Shika!" She beamed feeling instantly better now that she saw him.  The team turned around, Ino glared while Asuma sighed. 

"Hey," he said awkwardly. 

"Do you want to go get some dumplings with me?" Chika asked sweetly. 

"Can't, I'm busy right now." He replied rudely. He hated Chika now, he heard that she kissed someone else while they were together.  

"Oh, well maybe tomorrow?" Chika asked smiling, Ino smirked. 

"No, I can't tomorrow, or the day after. Just leave me alone and get out of here." Shikamaru glared, Asuma looked at Shikamaru with surprise. Choji glared at Chika, he heard what she 'did.'  

"You heard him," Ino sneered.  Tears filled Chika's eyes, what's going on. 

"Shikamaru! Ino!" Asuma said wide eyed. 

"Leave, and go die why don't you." Choji sneered. Chika looked down tears dripping down her eyes. Her eyes turned black and she was shaking. 

"Hey," Asuma said softly trying to reach a hand out to her.  She dodged it and walked away. 

She was walking with her heart hurting, she ran into someone. 

"Sorry," she mumbled, she looked up and saw Kakashi and all the other teams. Her heart broke as all of them looked at her with a glare or narrowed eyes. Hinata looked to the ground.  "Oh," she whispered. "I see how it is." Her voice broke.  

"Get out of here," Sakura sneered. "You're not a real ninja, just a fake." 

"Go die!" Ino yelled. Chika looked down her eyes were stinging, they were starting to turn black. 

"I think it'd be best if you left Chika." Kakashi whispered looking away. Her eyes turned completely black, a huge burst of chakra came from her causing dirt to fly everywhere. The jonins jumped back to where the genins were and got into a defense stance.  The dirt cleared and Chika was shaking looking at the ground as her hair whipped all around her. 

"Why?" She asked. "Why?" She asked once more, she whipped her head up exposing her black eyes. "WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!" She screamed. "IT'S ALWAYS ME! ALWAYS!" She screamed once more clenching her fists.   "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU ALL!!!!" She screamed even louder another burst of chakra coming from her.  "Mark my words," she growled. Her eyes glowed red now. "I will kill you. . . KILL YOU ALL!" She screamed her voice sounding slightly disoriented.  "I'm done." She growled, she disappeared and the group got into a fighting stance. 

Chika transported to the base that the Akatsuki was in near the leaf but deep in the forest.  She wasn't in it, rather above it.   Their base was near a cliff. 

"Leader, there's someone near the base." Kisame said. 

"How many?" He asked. 

"One," he replied. 

"Dispose of them."  

"Right."  The Akatsuki went up to the base to watch the show. They looked down and Itachi's heart broke. 

"AHHHHH!" Chika screamed in anger, pain and sorrow. She punched a tree and it flew back, she then continued punching and kicking screaming in despair. 

"Isn't that Chika un?" Deidara asked looking down at the girl with a broken heart.  Sasori grunted and Itachi nodded. 

"I HATE THEM ALL!" They heard her scream, the leader came up. 

"What's taking so long?" He demanded as Konan stood beside him. 

"Chika," Itachi stated. 

"The girl you saved?" Konan asked, he nodded and pointed towards her; everyone looked back at her, she was panting and shaking as the tears streamed down her face. 

"Chika, you are under arrest for threatening the Leaf village!" An anbu stated as three of them showed up, Chika glared up at them.  Her murderous intent leaking. 

"You. .  Have. . . No. . . . Idea. . . What happened. . . . I'll kill you. . . Every last one of you. . . Even if it kills me." She said crazily. The anbu threw a kunai at her, in a second Chika appeared in front of them and ripped one's head off and then threw it at his comrade. She then stabbed the second one through the head, the last one she ripped his heart out and crushed it in her hands.  "Rot in hell." She glared. 

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