Part 19

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Today was the graduation test, I sat beside Shikamaru as usual. Iruka came in and without even knowing it I dozed out. 

"Chika!" Iruka called. 

"Good luck," Shikamaru said, I smiled and nodded. 

"Good luck to you too," I whispered. He smiled tiredly and fell asleep as I walked down. I passed Sasuke and he nodded, smiling I nodded back. 

"Hi Iruka," I whispered. Iruka smiled. 

"Make 3 clones please," he said softly. I nodded. 

"A-alright," I replied, "Shadow clone jutsu." I whispered. I made 5 clones of me, I was supposed to make three. I blushed. "Sorry!" I apologized.  Iruka's eyes were wide, I was terrified. "I-Iruka?" 

"T-Those are shadow clones," He said, my knees buckled and tears were in my eyes.  

"Iruka," the man next to him said, Iruka  snapped out of his daze and looked at me. 

"Chika?!" He yelled, he got up and came over to me. "What's wrong?" 

"I-I'm sorry *sniff* I didn't do it right. I disappointed you." I whispered.

"No you didn't, in fact you passed. What color of headband would you like?" He asked.

"Blue please," I whispered, I whimpered and got up from the floor grabbed the headband and walked to the door.  "Thanks," I whispered loud enough so they could hear. 

"You're welcome." Iruka replied. I closed the door and walked out of the academy where I was to meet Sasuke.


"Chika, the hokage would like to see you." A random ninja said appearing out of no where, I nodded and began to walk to the hokage. I knocked on the door three times. 

"Come in," he said.  I opened the door and walked in. 

"You asked for me?" I said softly, I noticed 3 anbu's standing there. 

"Yes, Chika what happened?" The Hokage asked. 

"I'm sorry?" I asked confused. 

"You were kidnapped, what happened? Where were you? How did you escape?" He asked. 

"U-Uhm, why do you want to know?" I asked. 

"You're my grand daughter," He said getting up. "I missed you and I want to know what happened to you." 

"W-well, I was at someone called Orochimaru's, I was experimented on a-and t-tortured a-and other things." I said softly looking away. I could feel the pity.  "Please don't pity me, the past is in the past."

"I understand you've gone through a lot Chika, but it changed you too. D-Do you think you can "ever become the way you were?" Grandpa asked. 

"It'll take time, but maybe. I'll try." I said doing my signature million dollar smile. 

"That's more like it," he whispered. 

"So. . .What are they doing here?" I asked. 

"Oh, they're gonna help train you?" He replied.  "You've been held captive for a long time." I nodded. 

"Come on mah dudes," I said. I froze in spot. "I-I mean, l-lets go." I whispered.

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