Part 15

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"D-daddy, I-I don't wanna," Chika said quietly as she tugged at Asuma's arm, they were walking through the door to the academy; Chika's scared of people now because of her past. All the new people she met only hurt her more, she's scared to trust anyone but Asuma, Gramps, Itachi and Sasuke. . .Along with mom and dad. (Sasuke's parents) 

"Sasuke will be there," Asuma said as he walked down the hall. 

"I-he will?" Chika whispered looking down, they stopped at a door. "How can I face him? I mean I just left him alone," she whispered. Asuma sighed and knocked on the door, Iruka opened the door looking a little angry but he calmed down as soon as he saw Asuma and Chika. 

"Iruka,this is your new student, treat my daughter well." He instructed, Iruka nodded and Asuma pushed Chika in slightly. She was dressed in a dress that allows her to hide weapons. (The one on the cover)  Everyone stared at her in awe, she was not only gorgeous but by the way she walked they could tell that her personality was shy. 

"Guys this is Chika. . . " Iruka looked at me expectantly.

"U-uhm Kohaki Sarutobi," she whispered. 

"Chika Kohaki Sarutobi." Iruka introduced, Sasuke slammed his hands on his desk and Chika along with everyone else jumped. He got up and dragged the new student out of the classroom.

"Wait Sasuke!" Iruka yelled. 

"Tch," he said glaring at him, Iruka stopped and sighed. 

"Chika, where the hell were you all these years?!" Sasuke yelled, they were inside an abandoned classroom on the 4th floor. 

"I-I," Chika said softly, looking down at the floor.

"Well?" Sasuke said expectantly. She snapped her head up and looked at Sasuke, tears were forming in her eyes. Sasuke's eyes widen, he knew she was kidnapped. He knew, he would spend everyday and every moment looking for her. 

"T-they took me, a-and th-they tortured me," Chika confessed, it was one of the many horrible things they've done to her while she was a prisoner. Sasuke felt his blood boil and he wanted to kill the ones who hurt his little sister.

"You still have the necklace,"  Chika whispered looking at it. 

"Of course I do. We made a promise," Sasuke mumbled, Chika blushed and looked down.  She revealed hers and Sasuke smiled a genuine smile. 

"Sasuke," Chika said gaining his attention. "C-can things, go back to the way they uhm. . .Were before I," she trailed off. 

"Of course Imouto," Sasuke whispered, they hugged for a long time.  "I've missed you so much, you know. I spent everyday looking for you, I never gave up." He whispered into her hair. 

"I missed you to," Chika whispered. 

They headed back for the classroom, Sasuke led her right to a seat beside his and they sat down. All the girls glaring at Chika. 

"Sasuke what was-" Iruka was asking. 

"Hn," Sasuke said. He turned his head to the class. "If any of you hurt her, i'll kill you." He glared. 

"Shut up Teme!" Naruto yelled from the floor all tied up. 

"Because of Naruto we'll be reviewing the transformation jutsu." Iruka said, everyone groaned and got up. 

"This is all your fault Naruto,"  a kid said. 

"Yea, we always have to pay for your mistakes!" Ino snapped. 

"Does it look like I care?" Naruto grumbled. 

"Sakura Haruno," Iruka called. 

"Sakura here," Sakura the pinkette said, she stepped a little in front and turned into a good Iruka.  Iruka nodded and wrote something down. "Did you see that Sasuke-kun!" She squealed.

"Hn," Sasuke said. 

"Sasuke Uchiha," Iruka called, Sasuke stepped up and poofed into Iruka perfectly. The girls squealed. 

"Chika Kohaki," Iruka called.  Chika stepped up shyly. 

"Hey! She;s new here, she probably doesn't even know how to do it!" Sakura said. 

"Do you know how to do it?" Iruka asked. 

"I do, but I haven't been able to use my chakra in years so it might not be good." Chika whispered. 

"What do you mean? You have't used chakra in years! Why are you here then?!" Sakura screamed, Sasuke glared. 

"Transform," she whispered, she turned into Iruka; it was better then Sasuke's attempt. She learned this from Itachi so she was good at it. 

"Good job," he said. Chika blushed and went back.

"Nii-san? Where's Mom and Dad?" Chika asked after school. Sasuke stopped and glared. 

"They're dead," he said. 

"D-dead?" Chika whispered, she sank to the ground. Sasuke picked her up and hugged her. 

"Lets go to my house, you'll sleep over alright?" Sasuke said. Chika nodded and leaned her head against his chest.

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