Part 28

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When I awoke once more I was in the forest, I tried thinking back to what happened but the last thing I remember was  talking to Zabuza and Haku and then blacking out. I sighed, I had no clue where I was or where anyone was. It was then it clicked. Was anyone looking for me? Or even worried? No they probably thought I ran off and ditched them, but Nii-san would believe me! I know he will, we've been each other's day 1's.  I got up off the ground and looked up, it was night time. The moon was out and full, the leaves blowing softly in the wind and the green grass tickling my ankles. 

"Shut up dobe," Chika suddenly heard, she gasped. Fate was on her side. 

"Sasuke!" She yelled. No one replied back. 

*Third person pov* 

"Sasuke!" Naruto and Sasuke heard, they froze. 

"D-sid you hear t-that?" Naruto asked terrified.

"Naruto! Sasuke!" They heard the voice once more.  Sasuke sighed, he though he knew who it was.  He was about to yell back when Naruto interrupted him.

"AHHH! Leave us alone ghost!! I'm sorry! I DIDN'T MEAN TO EAT THE LAST PIECE OF MEATT!!!" Naruto screamed.  "FORGIVE ME." He dropped on his knees.  "I DON'T WANNA DIE." He wailed. Rolling his eyes Sasuke yelled. 

"CHIKA!" He screamed. 

"I'm over here!" She yelled back.

"Stay there! Me and Naruto will find you!" Sasuke yelled. 

"W-we're going g-g-g-ghost hun-t-ting?" Naruto trembled.

"No stupid, we're going to find Chika." He glared as he walked off. 

 "R-Right!" Naruto said catching up to him, he made sure to stay close behind Sasuke.  They went through a couple bushes and voila. There was Chika. 

"Nii-san," she breathed relieved. Sasuke went up to her and hugged her. 

"Where were you?" He asked. 

"I don't know, I woke up here." She lied, he nodded. 

"Lets go back." He replied, they all nodded. The walk back was silent, with the occasional yelp from Naruto every time the bushes rumbled. 

Sasuke opened the door, inside was Kakashi, Sakura, Tazuna and the others. Chika trailed in behind them. 

"CHIKA!" Sakura yelled angrily.  "You ditched us and didn't help us when we needed it!" She screamed punching her on the head.  Sasuke was also angry that she didn't even try to help, but grateful she didn't get hurt.

"S-sorry," she whispered. Kakashi looked at her, he knew something was wrong. 

"New room arrangements, Sakura and Chika, Naruto and Sasuke." He said. 

"NO!" All three yelled. He sweat dropped. 

"Naruto and Sakura, Sasuke and Chika?" He asked.

"NO!" Sakura screamed. 

"Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto and Chika?" He asked once more. 

"No." Sasuke and Chika said while Sakura screamed yes.  He sighed.

"Sakura gets her own room, Naruto and Sasuke, me and Chika." He decided. "And that's final." He said cutting Naruto off.  They sighed.  "You three go to bed." He ordered, they nodded and went up.  "Chika, come with me." She nodded, she followed him into the kitchen where there was a woman and a child along with Tazuna. 

"Oh thank god your okay!" Tazuna cried hugging her.

"I'm sorry for making you worry." She whispered. 

"It's alright kiddo," he replied, she smiled. "This is my daughter Tsunami and my grandson Inari." 

"It's nice to meet you." Tsunami said.

"Likewise," Chika smiled. 

"I'm gonna help Chika get set up, come." Kakashi said.

"Good night!" The family of three said. 

"Night." Both Kakashi and Chika said back. Kakashi led her up the stairs and to 'their' room, opening the door he gestured her inside. 

*Time skip* 

"What's been going on with you?" Kakashi asked out of the blue, Chika jumped. 

"What are you talking about?" Chika asked quietly. 

"Somethings wrong. Your attitude has changed." He replied, Kakashi sat beside her. "I'm your sensei, you can tell me anything." He added. 

"W-well, Sakura is bullying me and being rude and telling me to kill myself and stuff. She's stabbed me multiple times and tried killing me in my sleep. No one seems to care about me, Sasuke has been acting more distant with me, and Naruto is just obsessed with Sasuke and Sakura.  

I'm grateful someone saved me from the hell hole I was in before, but I think I'd rather be dead. It's not like anyone would miss me anyways, I'm worthless." Chika replied twiddling her fingers tears streaming down her face. Kakashi looked at her sadly, he pulled her into a hug. 

"You aren't worthless, you're one of the strongest people I know. With Sasuke and the team don't worry, they'll see you in no time." He replied, Chika cried into Kakashi while he held her. 

"K-kakashi-sensei?" Chika whispered. 

"Yea?" He asked softly. 

"Thank you." She whispered, Kakashi's eyes widen. "For everything." 

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