Part 20

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Once again I slept over at Sasuke's, I've been more at his house then I have been at my home with Asuma//dad. We were walking to the Academy together, I was on his back and he was walking.

"Nii-san," I said from above. 

"Hmm?" He asked. 

"What if we aren't on the same team?" I asked. 

"I'll make sure you join my team,"  he replied with no hesitation, I smiled and rested my head on his. 

"Good," I whispered. 

"As long as I live, I'll always protect you." He said seriously.  He looked up at me with a genuine smile and I smiled back. 

"Awe!" I heard a villager gush, me and him both blushed. He continued to walk, I sweat dropped.

"I dibs sitting beside you today," I suddenly said throwing my hands up in the air. I almost fell back but Sasuke being Sasuke he caught me.  

"Good," he said. "You're still clumsy." 

"You're hair still looks like a ducks butt," I replied. His eyebrow raised and he chuckled a little.

"So that's how you wanna play huh?" He said. "You're face looks like someone pissed on it."

"You smell like cat's ass," I replied. 

"You smell like a dogs ass," he replied. 

"You sniffed a rats ass," I said smirking. 

"That was once okay, and I was like 5." He said blushing, he hoisted me up a little. "You look like shit."

"You are a piece of shit."  I replied. 

"You're an ass, you should try to be more like me." He replied. 

"Yea, I mean I could be like you. . .But I can't seem to shove my head that far up my ass." I replied smiling. 

"Wow, wow okay. You win this round." Sasuke said. 

"Just like I always do," I smirked. 

"Shut up," he said playfully. 

"You know you love me," I replied. He opened the door to the classroom. No one was there. 

"I know I do, you love me just as much though." He replied. 

"Nah, probably more." I replied, he chuckled and set me down. We both walked to the seats and sat down. 

*1 hour later* 

I heard a hoard of elephants storming our way, I got scared and held onto Sasuke's hand. 

"I was here first!" 2 girls yelled, it was Ino and Sakura. 

"Are you blind billboard brow I was here fi-" 

"Sasuke, they're loud." I whispered, he nodded.  "Are they you-"

"Move Naruto!" 

*With the hokage* 

"Is that the most promising student Sasuke Uchiha?"  One jonin asked. 

"Move Naruto!" Sakura yelled, everyone sweat dropped.  "S-Sasuke-kun can I sit beside you?" 

"I was here first, move!" Ino yelled.  More and more girls started going up and yelling everyone sweat dropped once again. 

'He's just like Kakashi was when he had fangirls.' Asuma thought. 

"Can't they see me?" They heard a soft voice say, it was Chika. She was sitting beside Sasuke looking at the girls with a dead panned expression.  

"If they don't I do," Sasuke replied. Chika smiled. 

"OHHH someone has a crush," a random jonin said. 

"No, they've known each other practically since birth. They are like brother and sister," Asuma explained. 

"U-Uhm excuse me. . .I'm here. . " Chika said speaking up. All the girls looked at Chika and glared. 

"What are you doing there you slut?!" Sakura yelled. 

"You bitch move! That's my spot!" Ino yelled. 

"Whore!" The fangirls threw insults at her. Chika looked down sadly. Meanwhile Naruto was glaring at Sasuke, Sasuke had his mind set on Naruto he didn't notice the girls insulting Chika. Suddenly they kissed right as Chika looked up. Chika's eyes widen. They started gagging. 

"Naruto!" The fangirls yelled about to beat him up. 

"Wait!" Chika yelled standing in front of Naruto protectively.  "It was an accident." Sakura punched Chika in the face. She stood there frozen, so did Asuma. 

"That bitch!" Asuma yelled, Kurenai and Kakashi had to hold him back. The other jonin looked at him wide eyed.  The hokage had a tick mark on his head, he was very angry.

"You bitch!" Sasuke yelled. He grabbed Chika and put her behind him protectively and glared at the fangirls. "YOU TOUCH HER AGAIN AND YOU'LL DIE!!!" 

"But Sasuke-"

"GO!" He yelled. "Fucking whores." he muttered.


"and Chika." Iruka said. 

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