Part 10

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Asuma was watching Gahki and Chika train, it was night time; the full moon was out. 

"I'm going to go home, I'll see you there," Asuma said getting up. 

"Alright!" Chika said cheerfully. Asuma left and was no where in sight, looking back at Gahki he nodded. Asuma was really gone, Chika fell to the ground and clutched her head. Every full moon this would happen, images would go through her head. She knew it wasn't her for she was not as old. Gahki looked at her with sorrow in his eyes. 

'She truly is the descendant,' he thought. He kneeled down and rubbed circles on her back. 

"Does it hurt?" Gahki asked. 

"Not anymore," Chika said as she looked up at the moon. "Who's memory is this?" She asked. 

"What do you see?" He asked, Chika looked at him and smiled a tiny smile. The wind started to blow (start music) and created music as it flew through the trees. She stare at the moon on her knees.

"Dancing bears, painted wings

Things I almost remember

And a song, someone sings, once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm" She sang as she said holds she gave herself a hug while still looking at the moon, swaying with the music. 

"Horses prance through a silver storm

Figures dancing gracefully, across my memory" As the beat got loud she stood up and let her arms out closing her eyes, she stepped in all directions and spun. Dancing like a ballerina would. 

"Someone holds me safe and warm," she sang as her feet led her in all different directions, her hands were now cradling herself and her eyes were still closed.

"Horses prance through a silver storm," she spun still with her arms around her. Her hair swaying perfectly. 

"Figures dancing gracefully, across my memory

Far away, long ago" she put her hands out and spun as flower petals gently blew around her

"Glowing dim as an ember

Things my heart," she put her hands to her heart and stopped moving, slightly bending over looking at the ground. 

"Used to know

Things it yearns to remember." She looked back up at the moon.

"And a song, someone sings," her knees gave out and she gracefully fell onto the ground. Her hand still on her heart.

"Once upon a December," she looked back up at the moon softly and the music faded out. 

"Come on, lets get you home kiddo," Gahki said softly. 

"Alright," she whispered still staring at the moon.

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