Part 29

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The next morning Chika was up early, being careful not to wake Kakashi sensei and the others in the other rooms.  She normally walked down the stairs, after all she was very light. She made her way down the stairs, and looked at the clock. It was 4am, nodding she quickly scribbled down a note saying that she would be training. Well only until 8, she knew the only person that would see it is Tsunami who would be making breakfast. She closed the door on her way out and began walking in the direction towards the forest, the grass beneath dripping water and grabbing her feet as she walked.  She walked for about ten minutes until she found the perfect spot, she then pulled out a long sheet of paper. It had her training schedule on it, over the past 2 weeks she had been getting better and she knew it. She discovered new things she didn't know about herself-none the less thought possible. It was Orochimaru's doing, although it felt like hell Chika wondered if it was worth it.  

"Okay, first thing.  Walking up the tree's with no hands for 30 minutes continuously, then onto water meditaion for 30 minutes." She said aloud, nodding determinedly she slowly began walking up to the tree. This technique took her 2 hours to perfect while she was in the leaf village training.  She casually walked up and down the tallest tree with no falter for 30 minutes.  She then went to a lake she found nearby and carefully walked onto it.  She balled her fists up and connected them so that her knuckles were touching. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, skillfully she jumped up into the air and crossed her legs. (She looked like the pic) She was floating above the water, to do this she had to have a calm state of mind.  This took her 2 weeks to perfect, this was her first time actually getting it.  After 30 minutes shes it was 5:10, she wasn't sweating at all. Looking at her schedule once more sighed. 

"Onto jutsu for 1 hour, then balance for 30 minutes. After that genjutsu for an hour and taijutsu for 20 minutes." She muttered, she rolled up her scroll and shoved it in her satchel. Then she began training.


It was 8am, and she ran back to the house. No one except Tsunami was awake.  Chika was sweating and panting slightly, she didn't even get through half of her list. 

"Good morning," Tsunami greeted. 

"Morning," Chika greeted back. 

"How was your training?" She asked.

"It was good thank you, anyways. I'm gonna have a shower. Thanks," Chika replied quietly. She nodded.  

The water dripped down her face, her purple eyes gazing up at the ceiling. Her long blue-green hair clinging to every part of her body outlining it. She had a small frame, a tiny butt and little boobs.  She stepped out of the shower and put on a towel, looking in the mirror she sighed and got dressed.


"KYAAAA WHERE'S ALL THE HOT WATER????" Sakura screamed. 

"Who took a shower this morning?" Tsunami asked.  Chika, Naruto, Kakashi and Sasuke raised their hands. Looked at each other and snickered. 

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