Part 14

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"Lord Hokage! Lord Hokage!" Izumo yelled as he burst through the doors to his office; standing there was Asuma who was reporting one of his missions to his father. 

"What is it Izumo?" The hokage asked tiredly, resting his hand on his head. 

"I think we found, I think-well," he started to say. Asuma and the Hokage raised an eyebrow. "I think we found Chika. . .Asuma your daughter."  Asuma's eyes widen. 

"Where?!" He yelled. 

"She's in the hospi-" Izumo began to say, before Asuma and the Hokage ran past him. "tal." He finished. 

"Good-morning Lord Hokage," A villager said as they ran past. 

"Morning!" He yelled as they both reached the hospital. Bursting through the doors Asuma frantically went up to the front desk. 

"Where's Chika?!" He yelled. 

"Room 233," the nurse said with hearts in her eyes, the hokage nodded and they both ran to her room.  Asuma opened the door and his heart sped up. 

"Chika," he said softly, he walked up to her. 

"H-huh?" Chika said. "W-who are you?" She said terrified, Asuma gasped. 

"It's me, Asuma, Your father," he said. 

"A-Asuma? H'es d-dead," she stuttered. 

"No, I'm right here," he said. She looked up at him. 


"Chika," he smiled, he picked her up and hugged her and she hugged back.  

"Hey Chika." the hokage said softly. 

"G-Gramps?" She asked tearfully, she got up and hugged her. "Oh Gramps, it was terrible, they tortured me, they experimented on me and everything," she said crying. He hugged her back and they all cried together in that room.

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