Part 12

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"Itachi-neeSan!" Chika called as she ran up to him and Sasuke who were at the dango shop. "Sasuke Nee-chan!" 

"Imouto!" Sasuke waved, Itachi smiled and ordered extra dango for her. 

"Guess what!" Chika announced, her and Sasuke were now 7 years old. Chika was very strong for her age and so was Sasuke. 

"What?" Sasuke asked curiously linking hands with Chika. 

"I'm joining the academy in a week!" Chika cheered. 

"Really?!" Sasuke yelled excitedly. 

"Yea!" Chika giggled. "Right Itachi-neeSan?"  Itachi glanced at her and nodded, he took another bite of his dango and marveled. 

"Wow! I can't wait! We'll be sparring partners and everything!" Sasuke imagined throwing a punch in the middle of the street making a leaf blow up. Both children stopped and glanced at the leaf, they both smirked having the same idea. They both looked at each other and then the pile of leafs in front of them.

"HA!" Chika yelled as she threw a punch, a whole bunch of wind blew and the leafs blew backwards.  Sasuke looked at her and smirked.

"Ha!" Sasuke said jumping and kicking in the air. The leafs blew back further. You could see the lightening between their eyes. All in the meanwhile Itachi was sitting on a rock behind them munching his dango and smiling watching the competition unfold. After a while they were both panting on the ground and holding hands. 

"I beat you," Chika breathed. 

"In your dreams," Sasuke laughed and faced her, Chika chuckled. After a moment of silence Chika broke it. 

"Promise we'll always be bestfriends no matter what?" Chika asked. 

"Promise," Sasuke said linking their pinkies together, they both got up. Chika walked up to Itachi who was gazing up at the stars.  "Itachi," she said catching his attention. "Promise no matter what we'll always be there for each other?" 

"Promise," Itachi said smiling. Itachi has been acting different and becoming more distant lately, Chika noticed but Sasuke was completely oblivious. Smiling she grabbed the two boys' hands and walked to a near by shop. They walked in and the bell rang signaling a costumer. Itachi and Sasuke looked around in awe,  the place was filled with jewley of all sorts. There was jewlery from both far and close lands of all different colours and sizes. Chika was ahead of them and walked right up to silver necklaces; there were three all clutched together.  They were cucular and they all had two hands in the middle joining pinkies. 

"Can I buy these three?" Chika asked the store owner. 

"Sure young one, that'll be 1000 ren." The store owner said, Sasuke and Itachi were still looking around. Chika handed him the money and got the necklaces, walking right up to Itachi and Sasuke she smiled and gave them the necklaces. 

"These will be able to sense when ever I am near you, it'll glow purple! Always wear it and that way I'll always know that you care," Chika smiled. 

"Thanks," the two boys said. 

"Hey are you coming to our house tonight for supper?" Sasuke asked as they walked out of the store. 

"I can't sorry!" Chika said, Sasuke frowned. Chika smiled back at him and went to talk to Itachi while Sasuke was ahead. 

"What's going on?" Chika asked Itachi. 

"What do you mean?" Itachi asked. 

"You've been distant lately and on edge and you seem sad," Chika explained. Itachi's eyes widen. 

"Nothing's wrong." he said, he stopped. "Hey Chika?" He asked, Chika stopped and turned around. 

"What is it?" Chika asked, the wind blew through both of there hair.

"I love you," he said smiling. 

"I love you too," Chika replied smiling.

"Hey hurry up!" Sasuke called.

"Coming!" Chika called grabbing Itachi's hand and dragging him over to where Sasuke was. "Sasuke why don't you come to my house for supper?" Chika asked. Sasuke looked up at Itachi, Itachi smiled. 

"I'll tell mom and dad," Itachi said.

"Sure!" Sasuke said to Chika, Chika smiled. 

"Tell mom and dad I say thanks and love you!" Chika said grabbing Sasuke's hand and running towards hers and Asuma's house. Chika became very close with the Uchiha's, she calls Fugaku and Mikoto mom and dad now and they consider her a daughter. She also calls Asuma dad. 

"Bye Sasuke!" Chika called out as Sasuke left. 

"Bye!" Sasuke called back. She closed the door and smiled. Suddenly she felt a hand on her mouth and someone dragging her back. 

"AHHHH!" She screamed, Asuma was outside walking home when he heard it. 

"Chika!" He yelled, he ran to the house full speed and kicked open the door. "Chika!" He yelled frantically. A figure appeared out of the shadows and hit Asuma on the head with a vase. 

"Daddy!" Chika screamed, Asuma fell to the floor while blood poured down his head. His vision was getting blurry. The last thing he saw before he went unconscious was Chika screaming his name, crying while she being carried off. 

"Chika,"he whispered as he reached out for her, his vision blackened and he went unconscious. 


"Itachi! Why would you do this?!" Sasuke yelled crying. 

"I did it to test my strength," Itachi replied emotionlessly as the bodies of the dead Uchiha lay around them.

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