Part 8

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Waking up with a small groan Chika got up and yawned. 

"Have a good sleep?" Itachi asked from beside her, Chika let out a startled yelp. 

"I-Itachi, w-what are you," she began, she looked around. "Where am I?"She asked. 

"You're at my house, you fell asleep on me last night." Itachi said. Chika blushed immensely. 

"S-sorry," she said shyly. 

"It's alright, change into this. It's my younger brothers, it may be a little big." Itachi said getting up and leaving. 

"Wait," Chika said. Itachi turned around and looked at Chika. "Can you wait outside the door?" 

"Mhm," Itachi said nodding, he then opened the door and waited outside. Chika wuickly got changed, the clothes were a little big but they'd do. She opened the door and Itachi smiled down at her, she took his hand and let him lead her. They walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, there Sasuke, Mikoto and Fugaku was sitting. Itachi led her to a chair and sat beside her. It was a very awkward silence, Mikoto handed the girl some breakfast. 

"Thank you," Chika said softly. 

"No problem sweetie," Mikoto replied. "I'm Mikoto, this is my husband Fugaku and this is Sasuke." She introduced, Sasuke waved and Fugaku glared. Raising an eyebrow she looked at Itachi's father, they store at each other for the longest time. Finally Fugaku broke eye contact and hn'd.    "So, Chika how old are you?" She asked. 

"I'm 4," she said smiling. 

'You're 5 kiddo,' Gahki said. 

"Oh wait, I'm 5," she corrected. 

"Which is it? 4 or 5?" Fugaku said coldly. 

"5, today's my birthday!" She chirped.

"Happy birthday," Mikoto said gleefully. Chika blushed. 

"Thank you," she said, Itachi ruffled her hair. 

"How long have you known Itachi?" Mikoto asked. 

"Uhm, since yesterday," Chika said awkwardly rubbing the back of her head. 

"Are you a ninja yet?" Sasuke asked. Fugaku looked at Chika now interested. 

"No, but my family were." Chika said. 

"Were?" Mikoto asked. 

"Oh! It's nothing to worry about," Chika said waving her hands frantically and smiling. 

"What's your last name," Fugaku asked. 

"Kohaki," she said. 

"You don't look like one," he glared. 

"I know, but I assure you I am. I was treated like an outcast because of the way I look," Chika said. Fukagu raised an eyebrow, something flashed across his mind. 

"By any chance are you the survivor of the main branch that was murdered?" He asked. Chika's eyes widen. 

"How did you know?" She asked. 

"Hn," he said. Mikoto, Itachi, Sasuke and Fugaku looked at her with sympathy, she was a strong girl. Obviously they didn't know that she killed them though. 

"Hey Chika, wanna go practice with me?" Sasuke asked. Chika's eyes beamed. 

"Sure!" She cheered, they got up and ran to the back yard, Itachi followed in tow. 

"See this is how you hold a shuriken," Sasuke taught her, nodding she tried to throw one but failed. 

"Awe," she said. Sasuke merely laughed, after an hour of training they decided to hang out. They were now best friends.

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