Part 33

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*Third person pov* 

Once the team arrived back at the village they dispersed. Chika didn't know what to do.

"Sasuke?" She asked as she ran up to him. He glared at her. 

"Hn," he replied, Chika's eyes sadden. 

"Do you. . . Think I'm. . .Weak?" She asked, Sasuke stopped and looked right at her. He loved her as a sister, but he needed to become stronger to kill his brother Itachi. To do that, he'd need to cut off his love for Chika, so when he became stronger he wouldn't need her anymore. 

"I'm going to be honest. I think you are weaker then Sakura, you should go and train sometime instead of relying on me and Naruto to do everything for you. Leave me alone." He growled. Sasuke was in an impeccable bad mood because of Naruto, he feared that Naruto would surpass him. Pain crossed Chika's face and Sasuke realized what he had just said. "Chika, I." He began, Chika turned away and ran. "CHIKA!" He yelled. "Damnit!"


"And way out of your league," Sasuke said jumping down from the tree. He had just interuppted a fight between Kankuro, Naruto, Konahamaru and them.  Temari looked at him with hearts in her eyes. 

'Wow, a leaf hottie.' She thought.  Kankuro reached his hand out to grab the wrapped object on his back. 

"You're going to use crow?!" Temari asked surprised with wide eyes. 


"No, come back!" Chika called towards the puppy that was running away. "Please, hey wait up." She called running after it, she turned the corner and ran into someone with red hair.  
"Sorry," She mumbled as she picked herself up, she looked up and saw a guy with eyeliner glaring at her and two others beside him looking at her with wide eyes. Chika picked up the puppy who was barking and went to walk around the three. The red head was about to use his sand to kill her. 

"NO!" Sasuke yelled, he grabbed Chika and pulled her into him glaring at all three of them. His murderous intent leaking.  Gaara glared harder and sent his sand after her. 

"Oh look, the slut showed up." Sakura said with a disgusting tone.  Gaara's sand stop and the three of the sand looked at the 4 now wide eyed.  "Why can't you just go back to where you were rescued from. Sasuke doesn't need two girls in his life, and none the less a weak ugly looking child like you." 

"Sorry, I was just playing with this dog I found." Chika softly said petting the fur of the dog who was in her hands nuzzling into her. 

"Eww, you touch those things?! Who knows what they contain, well at least it's just like you. Trash." Sakura said once more. 

"Sakura," Naruto warned softly. Sasuke was glaring at everything.  Chika was about to explode. 

"Okay Sakura you know what?" Chika said harshly. "I am up to here with your shit, I'm sorry that when I was younger shit happened, and I'm sorry I can't change the past. Everyday was a living hell and you want me to go back to it?! You didn't experience it so you don't know how it feels! I've known Sasuke all my life, and you haven't! You just admire him! You don't even know his favorite color." 

"I- it's black." She stated. "Yeah, black." 

"No it's blue! Sakura if you aren't going to say anything nice just leave me alone." SHe turned towards Sasuke after. "Same goes for you, and you!" She stated pointing at Naruto and Sasuke. "Now if you will excuse me, I have a dog to go wash. . . And then I'll find his owner." She said softer. She turned towards Gaara who was looking at her with indifferent eyes.  "Again, I'm very sorry for bumping into you." She said softer then her other words to her team mates. She began to walk off. 

"Chika!" Sasuke yelled, he was about to run after her but Sakura grabbed him. He ripped his arm out and was about to run off to find her. 

"Why do you care about her?!" Sakura yelled. 

"She was . . . My first friend." Sasuke replied, Sakura's eyes went wide and so did Naruto's. Before Sasuke passed him he grabbed his arm, Sasuke glared at him. 

"I'm coming too," he said his eyes shadowed. "She was. . . My first friend too."   He nodded, he looked back at Gaara who was walking away with his team. 

' I can't wait to fight you.' He thought. 

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