Part 13

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*5 years later* 

Chika had been in the dark for the past 5 years, her hair had grown and she has also. She missed everyone and was a mess. She wouldn't cry though. She's been abused, beaten and experimented on for the last 5 years. She's currently chained up to a bed and Orochimaru was experimenting on her again.

The Akatsuki infiltrated Orochimaru's hide out and were looking for something that would destroy him. Suddenly Itachi's chain started to glow and all the Akatsuki members looked at it. 

"Itachi, what it that?" Kisame asked. Realization hit Itachi. 

"No," he whispered. 

"AHHHHH!" They heard a scream. 

"NO!" Itachi yelled as he bolted off.

"Itachi!" Kisame yelled. 

"I've never seen the Uchiha like this un," Deidara said, Kisame and the others nodded and ran after him. 

"Itachi! What's wrong!" Kisame asked as they ran, it was then he saw the tears in his eyes. He stopped and so did the rest of the Akatsuki, they looked at each other confused. 

"What're you planning bitch?" Hidan asked. Itachi slammed open the door and there he saw a chained up Chika and Orochimaru. 

"I, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Itachi yelled, he ran after Orochimaru and attacked him. Itachi punched him and he flew back a little bit, Itachi then ran over to Chika and took the chains off of her. 

"Itachi," she whispered. Orochimaru threw a kunai at Itachi.

"Let go of my experiment," Orochimaru seethed. He then disappeared and re appeared, they both fought. Soon the rest joined in and Orochimaru retreated. 

"Chika!" He said as he ran over to her, he picked her up and hugged her. "How long have you been in here?!" He asked. 

"5 years," she whispered.  It was then she saw his necklace.  "You kept it," she stated. 

"So are we going to kill this bitch?" Hidan asked. 

"NO!" Itachi snapped. 

"Itachi-neeSan?" Chika spoke up catching everyones attention.

"Brother?" Kisame whispered. 

"Yes?" He said gently.

"Take me home. . .Please, I wanna see Sasuke and mom and dad." Chika said. Itachi's eyes broke. 

"Alright, I'll take you to Asuma. You can visit Sasuke later." Itachi said. The Akatsuki looked confused. He picked her up and she fell asleep in his arms. 

"Who's that un?" Deidara asked. 

"And why did she call you her brother, she doesn't look like a Uchiha." Kisame asked. 

"She's someone very important to me," Itachi said. "Her name's Chika."

"Is she the one in that picture you hide in your drawers?" Kisame asked. 

"Ye-wait how did you know?" Itachi asked. Kisame shrugged. "Hn."

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