Part 11

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I was waiting for Itachi to come train me at training ground 11, I was a little early because I was excited. 

"Itachi!" I called as I ran up to him and glomped him in a hug. 

"Hey Chika," he said softly. 

"Guess who's your student!" I cheered. 

"Oh, I don't know. . .Who?" He asked bringing me onto his shoulders. 

"You!" I said with a giggle. 

"Really now?" He asked chuckling. 

"Yes, yes, it's true," I said in a 'wise voice stroking my imaginary beard. He laughed. 

"Alright, you have to call me sensei from now on," he said looking up at me. He held back a laugh. 

"Nah, I'll stick to calling you Itachi-neeSan!" Chika said smiling, Itachi stopped. "Is that alright?" Chika asked shyly like she did something wrong. 

"Sure," he said smiling. Chika smiled. "Now lets get to training!" He said. 

"YES!" She screamed from ontop of his shoulders, she fell off his shoulders and luckily Itachi caught her. She had a ghost coming out of her mouth as she swayed a little. 

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