Part 9

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"Chika! Where were you?! I was worried sick!" Asuma yelled at her worriedly. 

"S-sorry, I lost track of time and fell asleep. Itachi brought me to his house." She said, Asuma sighed and went up to her, Chika snapped her eyes closed waiting to be hit. She was surprised when Asuma hugged her. 

"Just don't do it again," he said. 

"I won't," Chika whispered hugging him back. 

"Let's go to the hokage," Asuma said. 

They were walking up the long stairs to the office, Chika on Asuma's shoulders and Asuma, well doing all the walking. Knock,knock,knock. 

"Come in," the Hokage said. Asuma and Chika entered. 

"Hi Gramps," Chika said shyly as Asuma set her down. His eyes widen and he smiled. 

"Good afternoon, what brings you here?" He asked. 

"I heard you had some questions." she said. 

"Yes I did," the hokage smiled. Chika sat down on the floor and stare intently at the hokage. "Tell me about yourself." 

"I'm Chika Sakura Kohaki, I am 5 years old as of today, I was one of the main families children but they were murdered." Chika said, the hokage's eyes widen and then he look at her in sorrow. 

"Why did you come here? I'm sure you could've stayed in the village," he said. Chika looked down. 

"They all hate me," She said. 

"Huh?" Everyone said looking at her. 

"I'm hated because I don't look like a Kohaki, I'm also hated because I have a demon sealed inside of me. I was treated like a slave and beat everyday, I wasn't loved at all." Chika said sadly. The hokage's eyes held sympathy.

"Tell you what, why don't you stay in the village and create a new life," he suggested. 

"Really?" Chika asked. 

"Yea, since you're a Kohaki we'll get some jonin to train you. Asuma please get Itachi Uchiha-"

"Itachi! Yay!" Chika cheered. The hokage laughed.

"Shingo Shinagami and Karie Kakalay," he finished. Asuma nodded and poofed off. 

"Now child, you must never show you're true strength to anyone unless it's necessary." Danzo said coming in.

"What why?" Chika said. 

"You can be known in secret, but we need you to act dumb and weak for the people in this village to thrive." Danzo said. 

"Fine," she whined. 

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