Part 2

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'Gahki?' I asked in my head as I walked through the alley ways in town. 

'Yes sweetie?' Gahki replied. 

'You know how my birthdays coming up right?' I asked once again as I bounced a little, my groceries swaying in my bag, 

'Yea,' he replied his voice sounding  delighted. 

'Do you think you could teach me another jutsu-but this time a little more advanced?' I asked as I turned the corner and walked out onto a road. It was dawn and people were starting to close down, as I walked by I noticed people glaring at me. 

"Monster!" One yelled and threw a rock at me, it hit me square in the head I let out a little help but continued walking. 

'Sure thing kiddo,' Gahki replied. I honestly don't know what I'd do without Gahki, he's family to me. I think he loves me, or least I hope so. My name is Chika, it means scattered flowers, I like Gahki and singing. I keep walking, forcing my feet to go ahead of me. The feeling of freedom or little freedom I felt was over, only a feeling of dread now washed over me. I walk up to the steps and slowly turn the knob, taking a deep breath I step in. I could hear my family laughing and watching tv in the other room, having fun and being a real family. .without me as usual. I shut the door gently and lock it, I then walk to the kitchen using the 'maids' door that was specially designed for me. The maids door was as small as a dog door, I had to crawl through every time I went into and out of the kitchen. They also added some spikes to catch my hair or to rip my clothing more. Being careful not to hit them I get through, I then walk up to the stove and begin to start preparing dinner. 

I let the water in the pot boil before I add the rice, in a separate pan I have some meat, sliced garlic, sliced onion, vegetables and soy sauce cooking. I stir the rice and the meat, now for the secret ingredient. You see earlier today I decided that I was going to rebel against my family so I gathered some herbs and made poison. With the help of Gahki of course, I gently pour the poison on top of the meat, of course after I eat some food myself. I grab 4 bowls and place rice in them and topped it off with the meat. I then grabbed chopsticks and began walking to the living room, as I walked in all eyes turned towards me. The hate could be felt from miles away, they glared at me as I gave the, their food. I walked away without another word and began to go in the direction of my room, as I made it to the stairs I walked up each step slowly. As soon as the wall turned I stopped and turned around. Coughing, gagging and pounding could be heard, I smiled devilishly as I continued walking uo the steps with my head down. I opened the rusty door to my room and grabbed a bag and packed it with some money I stole, weapons and of course a picture of me and Gahki. Walking down the steps the gagging and chokin got louder. I walked out into the living room heading for the doors. 

"You bitch, what did you do?" My father choked out hoarsely as he lay on the floor clutching his heart. I say nothing as I watch my family die before my eyes, I walk out the door and close it. Taking a match I quickly light it throw it behind me and walk away. As I walked the house burned, goodbye old life... hello new. 

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