Part 22

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Me and Sasuke were eating rice balls, all of a sudden the window slammed shut. I jumped, all I heard was mufflin, growling and rolling. 

"Sasuke?" I softly asked, everything was dark. All of a sudden I felt someone behind me. 

"Sorry Chika," he whispered, I gasped. Right as he went to hit me I dodged and turned around. 

"N-Naruto, why're you doing this?" I whispered, tears were coming out of my eyes.  I felt so betrayed. 

"No, no Chika don't cry," he whispered coming up to me and hugging me. "Here, I'll tell you my plan." He said, he whispered his plan in my ear. "Get it?" 

"Well yea, but Naruto. You aren't Sasuke, and pretending to be him isn't what you should do. If she doesn't like you for who you are Naruto she's not worth it. Who cares if she's the prettiest girl in town, go for someone who likes you. Not treats you like shit." I whispered in his ear, he looked at me with tears in his eyes. He hugged me, right as I was going to hug back I felt something against my wrist. I looked at Naruto wide eyed. 

"Sorry," he whispered, he poofed into Sasuke and left. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my neck. . .That was all I saw before darkness consumed me. . .And that's when my nightmares began. 

*In dream* 

I was strapped up against a steel table, my hands were in cuffs, my legs were cuffed down. My neck was chained down and I could barely move. I struggled and moved around trying to break free. 

"Ugh," I grunted as I tried to break one of the cuffs. 

"Oh, that won't do you any good my dear," I heard a voice say. I snapped my head towards the voice.  Two figures stepped out of the shadows, my heart began to race. 

"Please, no more," I whispered tears in my eyes. 

"My dear, this will make you stronger." The snake man said. 

"Why are you doing this?" I quietly sobbed. Kabuto started cleaning his utensils, the light captured his glasses sending a spine shivering evil look through his eyes. 

"Well my dear Chika," snake man started, he opened a case. There was two small white seeds inside. He took a glove and carefully placed them on a metal tray, setting it on a table beside my bed he replied with "I need to become strong, and to do this I need to experiment." More tears slipped out of my eyes, Kabuto jammed a needle into me. My body felt numb, I felt him take off the cuffs on both my hands and feet. I could feel him flipping me over, there was nothing I could do. Absolutely nothing, all I could do was cry and let them defeat me. I closed my eyes in pain as I felt the cold blade run down my shoulder blade, my body tensed. I groaned and squirmed. 

"Now my dear, don't move." He said, I cried. He jabbed another needle in me. "This is your punishment." I felt the tissue of my skin being torn open, the blood pour out. The ligament being cut through, it all. The pain was unreal. I screamed at the top of my lungs. All of a sudden an even greater pain was sent through my body. I felt Kabuto's hand in my back. I gasped in pain and shot my head up. I felt him rip his hand out of my shoulder.

"Now, once more." Kabuto said, I could practically hear the smirk on his face. I lowered my head onto the table and sobbed. My screams could be heard through the hide out. Pain was all I could feel, just cold hard bitter pain; what did I do to deserve this? I'm only 7.

*Dream end* 

I bolted up and screamed, my head throbbing, tears running down my cheeks, my body shaking uncontrollably as I sat there. 

"Chika?" I heard Sasuke's voice say quietly, he reached his hand out towards me and I flinched back. I looked at him with fear, Sasuke knew me so well, he retracted his hand and looked at me softly.  "It's okay, it was just a dream" I was shaking, he reached out for me once again and I let him. I flinched a little as we came in contact, he pulled me into a hug and rubbed circled on my back as he held me. I looked around the room, Naruto was looking at me with concern, Sakura with jealousy.  I glared at Naruto, it was a broken and scared glare though. 

"You did this," I whispered. 

"What are you talking about believe it!" Naruto asked.  Sasuke sighed.

"Naruto, when you knocked her out. . .She has night terrors." Sasuke explained. 

"I'm sorry," he said. 

"It's alright," I whispered, I cuddled into Sasuke a little more. Tears running down my face, my breathing ragged. The door opened and in came. . .Kakashi? I looked at him and he looked at me. Naruto bursted out in laughter, the eraser fell on him. . .

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