Part 5

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"Where will Chika be sleeping?" Gahki asked for me, I looked at Asuma curiously. He eye widen and then closed for a second, letting out a deep sigh Asuma walked to a closet and walked back to the living room, now with a blanket and pillow in his arms. 

"We'll prepare the guest room tomorrow, for now I'll sleep on the couch and you can take my room."  Asuma said, he started prepare the couch to be slept on.  "My room is the first door to the right," Asuma added, nodding I walk begin walking over to his room. I walked up the wooden stairs and turned to the right. I opened the white door and walk in, the room was white and had a big square thingy in the middle of the room. It was also filled with other big wooden boxes. 

"The hell?" I muttered. 

"That's a bed and those are drawers," Gahki informed me, I peak an eye up to him and then look back at the bed. 

"What's a bed?" I asked tilting my head cautiously. 

"You sleep on it," Gahki said. 

"Sleep on it?" I replied even more confused, "why would I sleep on a box?"  Sighing Gahki walked over to the bed, he sat on it and it cushioned him. He patted the spot beside him and wearily I walked over, I slowly sat down squeezing my eyes shut as my butt came in contact with the bed. It was soft. 

"Soft," I whispered, Gahki nodded. 

"Come here kiddo," He said softly, I cuddled up into Gahki's side and he laid us down, he pulled a blanket over us and cuddled into me even more. 

"Youdo know I love you right?" Gahki whispered playing with my hair. 

"Yea," I whispered, it went silent but it was a comfortable silence. "Gahki," I said catching his attention. "Promise you'll never leave me." His eyes soften and he looked at me. 

"I promise," he replied, I snuggled into his chest a little more and closed my eyes drifting off to sleep. 

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