Part 24

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The next morning sunlight poured in through her window. awakening with a little groan she flipped over. She glanced at the clock. . .She was late, she was supposed to be there at 6 and it was 7:30. Quickly ripping the covers off she got dressed and ran down the stairs. 

"Bye dad!" She yelled as she grabbed an apple, she stopped as she saw a note. 

'I'm with my team' it read, she sighed and began to walk to the training grounds. 

"You're LATE!" Naruto and Sakura yelled, Chika looked down. 

"I'I'm sorry," she said just above a whisper. 

"You better be," Sakura grumbled. 

'You should try to be like you once were.' The Hokage's voice rang through her head, memories of her and her friends went through her head. With a new determination in her eye she looked up. 

"Okay! Listen up!" She said loudly causing everyone to jump and look at her wide eyed.  "My name's Chika, things I like is Nii-san, singing and hanging with my friends! Things I dislike seeing my friends or people I care about hurt. My hobbies are singing and training, my goal for the future is to be who I really was before that happened. " Chika said, she then giggled and gave them her million dollar smile and walked over to Sasuke leaving all of them absolutely dumbfounded.  "Did I do okay?" she whispered.

"I-U, How b-but I," He whispered back, Chika giggled. 'I think I did it,' she thought. 


"You're late!" Naruto and Sakura yelled. 

"Sorry, a black cat crossed my path and I had to take the long way." Kakashi said. 

"Liar!" Naruto and Sakura yelled once more. 

"Okay, on to the test. You're mission is to take these bells away from me by noon, if you fail no lunch." He said holding up 3 bells. "If you fail you will also be sent back to the academy."

'So that's why he told us not to eat.' They all deadpanned.

"Sensei? Why are there only 3 bells?" Sakura asked. A light bulb appeared on Chika's head and she smirked, Kakashi noticed the smirk and instantly knew she knew what the test was about. 

"So one of you will be tied up to the poll," He said.

"I'm not going to fail! Believe it." Naruto yelled.

"Idiots like you are the weakest link," Kakashi said, Naruto growled and went to attack him; but Kakashi had a knife to his head in a blink of an eye. 

"I didn't say start," he said a she let go of Naruto.  "Start!" He yelled. Everyone except Naruto jumped away.


"Sakura, lets work together," Chika said nicely. 

"EWW as if," Sakura replied as she punched her on the head and walked off. Chika pouted. 

"But Sakura, that's what the point of the test is, teamwork." Chika chased after her. 

"Fine then I'll work with MY Sasuke, you little whore. . .Stay away from him." She said as she pulled her hair and stabbed her with a kunai. A few tears escaped Chika's eyes and she sniffled. 

"Be strong Chika," she whispered to herself. 

*With Naruto* 

"Hey Naruto?" Chika said getting his attention and cutting him down from the rope.  "Do you want to work together?" 

"Sorry, if I'm going to become Hokage I need to do this on my own. I'll get you a bell, don't worry." Naruto yelled back.

*With Sasuke* 

"Nii-San," she said. 

"Hmm?" He asked. 

"Do you want to work as a team? the whole point of this is to work together." Chika smiled.  Sasuke sighed. 

"I'm sorry Nee-chan, but you will get in my way. Stay here and I'll get a bell for you." He said as he walked off. Chika sat down and let the tears flow, she then began to bandage the place where Sakura stabbed her; feeling a gust of wind she sighed. 

"I don't want to fight you sensei, the purpose of this test is teamwork. I won't be able to defeat you with out my team mates." She whispered. Kakashi sat down. 

"What Sakura did wasn't right," Kakashi said angered. 

"I'm used to it," Chika whispered. 

"You pass," he suddenly said. 

"What?" She asked. 

"You. Pass." He said doing a close eyed smile, Chika looked at him to see if there was any sense of him lying. He wasn't.


Kakashi was scolding the team. 

"And you Sakura! You stabbed Chika! What kind of team mate does that?!" He yelled, Sasuke was about to kill her.

"You, stabbed my sister?!" He yelled.  "I'm going to kill you!!" 

"You all fail, only Chika passes." Kakashi said.

After they all became a team and fed Naruto they passed, Sakura asked Sasuke to hang out and he glared at her murderously. 

"As if," he seethed, he grabbed Chika's hand and began to walk away.

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